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You boys must not like new members. I can not believe the amount of cold shouldering that is shown to a new member who is clueless to the circus that came before his time. It sounds to me like you a group of bar side experts! So funny that I come on from seeing this site as a high recommendation from a goggle search ,guess they forgot to say ,Bewarned childish behavior is the norm to new members! Why is it that hazing is used to make a new member feel like a POS. It sure sounds by the previous comments that you do not want any more members be cause this is sure making me not even want to recommend this site to friends who need more help then I can provide. I am simple public servant and get treated like this on a daily basis do to my current employment,I do not take well to strangers that know me only as a user name calling me a liar or someone I am not. Are you all trying to make this site less popular so far your succeeding quite well, I was until this uncalled for bashing willing to tell a fair number of coworkers to come here and register but alas I shall not do to the way I am so rudely treated for being a new member!

So- I read your "about You" stuff,Killer. are you a weed sprayer or? Everybody gets a little teasing around here. If you joined in here to feel better at the end of your current work days you should relax a little. I can't see were any one said anything to make yer Wheaties taste so bitter. This here is the "FORESTRY AND LOGGING FORUM"(emphasis on LOGGING). A "LOGGER" is a ruff n tumble sort who can take a teasin' or at least fake it. Grow up or go away- You're a Buzzkill!!! Oh! FYI- "slowp ain't a dude.MATE:angry: But i'd rather share a strip w/ her than you any day. Your that little $^&*%$#^^*& that gets the crew worked up. Better yet- Withdraw from the forum and rejoin under a new handle and we will all try to fake it. Don't use "punk" in your new handle as it will give you away.(but it fits):hmm3grin2orange::angry::buttkick::popcorn:
After my day job and I come on here and the accusations are way to familiar to work! I kill trees some call native but are really weed trees and I enjoy the work but not the people! My work is done in a hidden way,less people of my work the safer it is ! People dont like when I use poison on trees ::hmm3grin2orange:
After my day job and I come on here and the accusations are way to familiar to work! I kill trees some call native but are really weed trees and I enjoy the work but not the people! My work is done in a hidden way,less people of my work the safer it is ! People dont like when I use poison on trees ::hmm3grin2orange:

I'm confused. Do people accuse you of being HBRN at work too?

How are you poisoning trees? I'm interested 'cos it's something I organise a bit of at work
You boys must not like new members. I can not believe the amount of cold shouldering that is shown to a new member who is clueless to the circus that came before his time. It sounds to me like you a group of bar side experts! So funny that I come on from seeing this site as a high recommendation from a goggle search ,guess they forgot to say ,Bewarned childish behavior is the norm to new members! Why is it that hazing is used to make a new member feel like a POS. It sure sounds by the previous comments that you do not want any more members be cause this is sure making me not even want to recommend this site to friends who need more help then I can provide. I am simple public servant and get treated like this on a daily basis do to my current employment,I do not take well to strangers that know me only as a user name calling me a liar or someone I am not. Are you all trying to make this site less popular so far your succeeding quite well, I was until this uncalled for bashing willing to tell a fair number of coworkers to come here and register but alas I shall not do to the way I am so rudely treated for being a new member!

I'm confused. Do people accuse you of being HBRN at work too?

How are you poisoning trees? I'm interested 'cos it's something I organise a bit of at work

StihlKiwi= I don't think he got it. his handle ain't changed yet.LOL. Can't wait though, like X-mas almost.:blob2:
After my day job and I come on here and the accusations are way to familiar to work! I kill trees some call native but are really weed trees and I enjoy the work but not the people! My work is done in a hidden way,less people of my work the safer it is ! People dont like when I use poison on trees ::hmm3grin2orange:

The handle you chose plus the fact that your job description is very vague and misleading along with a big dose of sensitivity leads me to think you could be some Commie-***-Tree Spikin'-Neo Nazi Greenpeacer. I chose not to use cuss words for both our benefits, so this is as polite as I am willing to be "just what kinda weed trees do you cut down? Hemp for the state of Cali. or what?". And if you were a badge it's cause you were picked on as a child, and i am not sorry for that. If I am wrong about any of this, I will not apologize as I have chose to allow you to make me consume my allotment of adult beverage(s) for the evening<which you are held in account for. Nor will you ever be allowed to ever log near me. I have contacted all logging assos. and informed them of your behaviors. LOL LMFAO:hmm3grin2orange::greenchainsaw:
The handle you chose plus the fact that your job description is very vague and misleading along with a big dose of sensitivity leads me to think you could be some Commie-***-Tree Spikin'-Neo Nazi Greenpeacer. I chose not to use cuss words for both our benefits, so this is as polite as I am willing to be "just what kinda weed trees do you cut down? Hemp for the state of Cali. or what?". And if you were a badge it's cause you were picked on as a child, and i am not sorry for that. If I am wrong about any of this, I will not apologize as I have chose to allow you to make me consume my allotment of adult beverage(s) for the evening<which you are held in account for. Nor will you ever be allowed to ever log near me. I have contacted all logging assos. and informed them of your behaviors. LOL LMFAO:hmm3grin2orange::greenchainsaw:

He ain't no greenie.
If he is who I think he is, he's the biggest, baddest tree chopping expert the northwest has never seen, with some techniques that will blow your mind and probably squash your truck

Am I right? :poke:
He ain't no greenie.
If he is who I think he is, he's the biggest, baddest tree chopping expert the northwest has never seen, with some techniques that will blow your mind and probably squash your truck

Am I right? :poke:

He is off line probably dry-surfin' the forum. These computers are pretty neat. wounder how long it will be 'till a person can reach through one and slap the tar out of someone. :angry::hmm3grin2orange::chainsaw::cheers: Did i mention I like beer?
my counselors would be proud of me, I just noticed that I stated "I chose to allow". Maybe I have been listening:cool2:
Looks like the happy farm just got evacuated minus the medication cart:laugh: I like to not be know so what :hmm3grin2orange: Got my reasons to hide some information,I already have a local lynching party that loves me dearly :hmm3grin2orange: I aint spelling out what we use,it is stronger then what you buy and a hardware store. I live in a area full of tree humpers and weed worshipers :yoyo::hmm3grin2orange:
Looks like the happy farm just got evacuated minus the medication cart:laugh: I like to not be know so what :hmm3grin2orange: Got my reasons to hide some information,I already have a local lynching party that loves me dearly :hmm3grin2orange: I aint spelling out what we use,it is stronger then what you buy and a hardware store. I live in a area full of tree humpers and weed worshipers :yoyo::hmm3grin2orange:

Don't you have a Sheriffs ball to organize? If yer sprayin' Paraquat Dichloride i can't blame your fan club !!!
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Looks like the happy farm just got evacuated minus the medication cart:laugh: I like to not be know so what :hmm3grin2orange: Got my reasons to hide some information,I already have a local lynching party that loves me dearly :hmm3grin2orange: I aint spelling out what we use,it is stronger then what you buy and a hardware store. I live in a area full of tree humpers and weed worshipers :yoyo::hmm3grin2orange:

Scotty, how long do you figure we're going to let you get away with this again? You're busted. We know who you are. More importantly, we know who you aren't.
Whistler, how bouht a couple of youtubes of slopping backcut and a couple of cougar tails for old times sake, lol.

oh yeah, them bus tires are really smoking a storm :rock: :rock: :hmm3grin2orange:
Nobody's hatin' AS just isn't for the thin skinned,weak,or faint hearted.

I call it what it is. I wont recommend this site to any one after the unfounded false accusation and lies about me !!!!Since the only thing new members get is a hazing why should I recommend this site?
Wow you guys sure as the grass is green hate new members!

Quit sprayin' all our Grass and maybe we will like ya. NOT . I just got warned cause a yer junk. Now i gotta go read the rules so we can all play with the ferries. Can i barrow yer wand? I'd like to make ya disappear. But i have been told all about you=0.:taped::angry::censored::chainsaw::buttkick::byebye:
I call it what it is. I wont recommend this site to any one after the unfounded false accusation and lies about me !!!!Since the only thing new members get is a hazing why should I recommend this site?

Only you ain't new. been the same yer whole life I reckon.