Well, yes I had one complain. It was one of my last loads of the season. When I talked to him I said I was cleaning up the wood yard and had a pile of short cut off ends, did he want them? I said I'd load the full cord first and then throw all the shorts on the back loose. We had an F600 with a 12 foot bed and 6 foot sides. I had lines painted on the sides for how high to stack for 16, 18, and 22 inch wood. I delivered on the weekend and first thing Monday morning he called and said he averaged in all of the shorts and only came up with 132 CF and I still owed him a bunch of wood. I said 4X4X8 equals 128 cf. I heard him punching a calculator, and he hung up on me. I have never given any one extra left over wood since, and that was well over 30 years ago. All of my cut offs and ugly's go straight to the burn pit. I have all my buddies over to drink beer, eat steamed shrimp and peanuts, and toast the guy that started the " Fire Pit Crew". Now I only cut wood to the length I use. My first stove used 16" wood, so most of my racks were made for 16". When I started cutting 18" I kept using the old racks, so now customers get an extra 2" per rack. But, I only sell a few cords to family and friends now, Joe.