Break in ques

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amsoil chain lube is good you dont even have to apply it to the chain ever I also heard that they are making wax now and it takes the dents out as you wax
I got my IT465 cranked up and running good over the weekend.

Stihl 041 Super, have you ever tried MX2T, now called Mobil Racing 2T?

Nope havent tried mobil1 might later on. Great that you got your it 465 runnin
you can never go wrong with an IT they are good machines Ive got a 1985 IT 250, 1984 IT 200, 1977 IT 400, And an 1980 IT 175. All of them have always run good.
I haven't ridden my IT much, just around the neighborhood a couple times and out on the main road to wind it out. Good feel to it. It moves out better than my street bike, but I dearly wish it was electric start. Glad to hear they're good bikes, I took a shot in the dark on this one.

Give Mobil 1 a try. Fully synthetic, I run it at 32:1 in all my 2 stroke stuff. No smoke, no spooge, no fouled plugs, very clean burn. No two stroke funk that sticks to your clothes and hair. If you're curious enough, a search here on AS for "mx2t" will bring up lots of info. Most Autozone's carry Mobil Racing 2T(same stuff, diff name) by the quart. My IT loves it.