Breakaway safety

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I've actually though about that one it would work great but my issue is if you gotta bail, then go, jump if need be and as you said does a guy have to be in that situation to begin with?
Originally posted by Mike Maas
My idea is to just use some throw line as your lanyard, tie a little tiny climbing hitch out of the same line, then use my patented little tiny fair lead to make the micro lanyard adjustable:
You've got a patent on that?? That's a tiny little jobber there. I can't find it in Sherrill's catalog. :dizzy:
I still havent called john. I want to get all the replies to this post I can all my ducks in a row so to speak.

I could have used a sreaming gizmoh 7 times in the last month.!!
Does that sound like alot to you folks.?
Mostly storm damaged trees also some 40 ton crane removal situations.
What i did was what others her have done. unclipped and held onto the flip line incase the tree did fail or simply hold on with one hand while tied in.
Sitting on a hung up top at 50 feet cutting apart a puzzle i could have used the gizmoh, i could have used a crane. lol

Other instances were leaning pines. Very common tree after a hurrican. Almost all the pines were corrupted root balls, 30 % of the pines at the base had started seperating cambium layers as much as 1 thrid seperated and split but holding. At the base of the tree i could stick my bar clean thru without the saw running of course.
Another was all this plus the pine was laying and bending over 2 smaller pines, i cut the smaller pines free and the one I was on fell downward about 7 feet but held as the two smaller pines sprung back to their original positions.
4 tree companies looked at these trees and didnt do them or priced themselves out of it intentially.

Kf it was i belive stated taking a screamer and cutting it with a razor cutting maybe even 3/4 of it. Besides it would look cool to carry around. hehe:blob2:
Now that I have done threw the line around and just held the snap incase I wanted to bail. Anyone ever see a panic snap used for horses? You can just pull down and its like a snap shackle but not as expensive.
------ arborist supplies now has a tear away screamer in their catalog for 12.00 made by yates.

i guess some one was listening.
Have a look at a post I started just before the new year titled,"It can do all that...". I've come up with a simple gadget that attached between your side "D" ring(s) and your own lanyard. This way adjustment isn't a problem. This gadget is a two part system that can release manually as well as automatically. A prototype was made and at this time, its being reviewed by the industry for consideration and if all goes well it will be available by 2006. Its not a mainstream tool and not all of the bugs are worked out of it just yet but the technology is sound and proven. What it is is a positioning lanyard release system that can release under a heavy load for the manual section and spacific load for the auto section. Its not designed as a life support so you MUST be tied into another structure so if you have to release yourself, (for whatever the reason), you don't become one with the ground! Just swing away from the failing tree. There may be other applications for this thing but that for someone else to worry about. I've been asked by the company (a reputable company), thats reviewing this thing not to talk about the specifics as to how it works. Once I am able to, I'll post more info about this system so you can see for yourselves how it works and if its something you might have a use for. For now it hurry up & wait. And waiting sucks! :dizzy: HC
What about using the Friction Saver Prusik as decribed in the Sherrill's catalogue? I am looking at a drawing of how it works on page 23 of my 2004 Master Catalogue. It seems much safer than anything else described in this thread so far. Its a way of adjusting and expanding the length of a friction saver so it can be used as a tie in for your climb line on unstable trunks. If the tree starts to split or fall you can let out line with your monkey knot, instead of being crushed. It also gives a climber extra protection from rip-out when taking a big or heay leaning top. I haven't tried it but if I was still doing anything remotely big I would. As a side note--I have started to score the bark and outside layer of wood, just a little, around the back an sides of the tree before I make my back cut on big and/or heavy leaning trees. It seems to greatly reduce tear outs I used to get on Cypress trees.

Adjustable false crotches are a much better tool than the strap with rings even if you add the adjuster.

You're a new comer to the break away discussion. If you're worried that the piece that you're working no may fall out from under you, do you want to have a permanent attachment? I don't...I want to get off the bucking bronco not ride it to the ground.
I had to climb a 200ft.+ Doug Fir that had its neighboring tree fall and leave a good portion of its roots exposed. I spent half a day climbing a bigger Doug Fir up the hill from this one and putting a high tie. While climbing the hazard tree a thunder cell came over and started blowing my tree around. I unclipped and held into my clip until the gusts stopped. It would have been the biggest swing of my life, I understand what you guys are talking about. I'm just not sure I like your solutions yet. I have joked with myself that I need a voice keyed auto-distruct on my core line for extreme emergencies like this. The code word couldn't be "OH SH!T!" or I'd flying all the time. ;)

Pardon my newness to the board and these discussions. I read and read but its nigh impossible to know all that's come before.
Hey Old Monkey, dayman wasn't busting your chops because your new, he's just saying that this topic has been talked about in the past and you may not have seen it. Being new to this forum is a good thing, new question, old questions, new ideas, dad ideas get the idea. Every now & then you find something of use to you on this site and thats why its here. So sit back, read and enjoy, maybe learn a thing or two or even teach us something. Keep the questions coming and don't get your feathers ruffled, your among friends! ;) HC
hobby climber said:
Hey Old Monkey, dayman wasn't busting your chops because your new, he's just saying that this topic has been talked about in the past and you may not have seen it. Being new to this forum is a good thing, new question, old questions, new ideas, dad ideas get the idea. Every now & then you find something of use to you on this site and thats why its here. So sit back, read and enjoy, maybe learn a thing or two or even teach us something. Keep the questions coming and don't get your feathers ruffled, your among friends! ;) HC

Yeah, exactly what Hobby said... :p

There are several perennial topics that you can add your energy too as they surface:

One handed chainsaw use
Double tie ins
Pole pruner vrs pole saw
Best handsaw
Best rope
Best hitch
You're already witnessing a spike climbing thread
Which is the best discussion forum
And...I won't even mention [too loudly] the color wars that get going about chainsaws ;)

Every time these burble to the surface there is some new little twist added by newcomers.

I've often thought that what the industry needs is a break-away attatchment to a shotpouch so that when the thing gets hung in a tight crotch a really good pull eighther frees it or it breaks free and it falls to the ground.
Old dude
old dude said:
I've often thought that what the industry needs is a break-away attatchment to a shotpouch so that when the thing gets hung in a tight crotch a really good pull eighther frees it or it breaks free and it falls to the ground.
Old dude

They have that already. It's called slick line! :p

With a true breakaway system that releases you from your positioning lanyard, how much of a concern would you have(given the alternative),to having the lanyards locking snap flying back at you? :confused: HC
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I'm very sorry that I can't at this time, the prototype is still being reviewed by a company and I've been asked not to talk about the particulars. I have been informed by this company that because it's not a "mainstream" item, other tool items will get priority over mine. This is a new concept gadget and no one knows if it will take off or not! As a company, it only makes sense to put their money in sure things and then have a look an new ideas.JMO. If all goes well, I hope this gadget will be interduced at the 2005 TCIA fall Expo in Ohio. If not, I'll try one more company that was recently suggested to me then post everything I got on and refine it further with the help of everyone and see where it goes. Then if anyone is interested I'll tell you how to build it or put you in touch with with my friend who builds them for me. Again I'm sorry about the cloak & dagger BS and not being able to describe details in open forum. I will be in contact with this company before the end of April and find out more about its progress. I can answer general question but can't get into specifics just yet so fire away. HC