I somehow think that the UK limb lopper didn't picture the job to be quite like that.
I would think if he read this thread he would think we most are all nuts over here.
IDK, to the OP! if you come here you could have a good business in residential work doing what your doing there,in BCs lower mainland and be home every night (get a stump grinder) your young and perhaps single and hasn't thought about that yet but its true you have the climbing experience to fall back on (no pun intended)
Also if you want a challenge, go do single stem on the coast and see if you got the nuts for that, Maybe 1 in 15 or 1 in 20 ?climbers could make that transition.I believe you finish school at 15yrs there so you may have four years experience already at 19.
You could probably challenge the Enforn fallers with your experience or do the Enform fallers entry ticket and that would be enough to get in to a gas and oil job but not fall over 6" (15cm) bit of a grey area there as you would be working with a certified faller ...BC or Enform. Or you could get familiar with
the full wrap handle bar and all falling procedures by reading your flip books then go out into the sticks somewhere and practice on snags, until your ready. You can certify in little wood on flat ground and its about 12 hundred to challenge,
BCs fallers is about $1400 to challenge if you made the requirements. Either way Enform out of Calgary purchased
the rights to adopt the BC fallers to put their name on it but it is not as widely excepted like on the coast or fighting fires.
it does however give you the right to challenge the BC fallers
if you feel you would need it, Not a lot of production hand falling in the province unless its coast areas as its all feller bunchers.On fires and in gas n oil it is all DTF, ('Danger Tree' falling or faller) There is lots of smaller tickets that go along with that industry also. Mandatory one day First aid, one day H2S Alive (hydrogen sulfide) Are the main two Now DTA (Danger tree assessor) is coming in to industry Which is $450 per module which there all three modules (harvesting & siviculture, wildland fires & parks and rec) good for 4years.
In the city it would be an advantage to have your ISA or for veg management careers like BC hydro.
You my make a 6 figure annual and maybe a lot more if you had a successful tree company in the city but, this dollars is only worth half the pound sterling.
Nothing I speak of is unachievable, if you want it.