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tam said:
yeah man working with rossburger's great.
that chipper sure is very dodgy. if you got your glove (or ear) caught on a branch you'd never stop the beast in time to save your glove (or ear). then youd only be able to hear out of one side or your head. i mean, imagine if there was this low flying aeroplane coming at you from your earless side, and you didn't hear it in time and it flew over you and you pood your pants. that would be awful.

yip, i'm still taking the tablets...

I once had my ear torn off and had to sew my glove on the side of my head as a substitute. It worked quite well. I dont think you could use your ear as a glove if you lost it though.
Hahahahahha they'll have to force the tablets down MY throat. thats if they catch me :dizzy:
Buzzlightyear said:
£150 a day is way to cheap....the least i've ever paid for a forwarder is £250 per day ....

This is Lincolnshire, though. Prices are pretty low out here, although £150 is still a bit cheap in my opinion. Can't complain if you're buying. ;)

Like I said, it is a specialist machine, and can work on sensitive sites that normal machinery would trash, but he can't extract much - typically 10 cu m. That still makes it an expensive rate per cu. m.
Ross Turner said:
What sub was it Thor? & what fountains office where you working out of?.

Lower Penn sub, down the A454 from shifnal. Its not handled by a local office, The Grid contract is all handled from Beedale.
Bedale office is where Andrew Clarke used to be based,When i was on grid the local business units handled day to day running & it was over seen by Sparford in somerset.A lot has changed since then.
I've only done 3 jobs for them. Lower penn was a biggie though. Got to go back to take out another 30 on a shutdown.
They want us down in north london for 3 months too, must have made a good impression.
Where abouts in North London,Elstree is the largest sub down that area.
At one time only direct staff could work on the Grid contract & even then at least one person had to hold NPTC Ae5 & the EAKing card befors being aloud on site.
Thor's Hammer said:
I've only done 3 jobs for them. Lower penn was a biggie though. Got to go back to take out another 30 on a shutdown.
They want us down in north london for 3 months too, must have made a good impression.

I'll put the kettle on then lol ;)
Ross Turner said:
Where abouts in North London,Elstree is the largest sub down that area.
At one time only direct staff could work on the Grid contract & even then at least one person had to hold NPTC Ae5 & the EAKing card befors being aloud on site.

That's still correct. I think I have the only Grid subcontract team. I started by forwarding and chipping on some of their bigger and heavier spans, and this was the first cutting job we did. Was quite pleased, we had a 3 hour H+S audit, passed with flying colours :D
Hi, thanks for the advice Acer will try get my hands on a copy of the book Practical Forestry by Cyril Hart and have a read .got a meeting with a forestry consultant tomorrow for one of my customers. He has got the consultant involved as its grant work they are on about cutting some sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa ) but not as u would normally coppice it they want to leave one or two trees on each stub. Just can not see what they are hoping to achieve by this he has also told my customer that they will only have to cut off the new springs once and then they wont regrow again (look out for the flying pigs on this job I think lol). They also cant see why I said I will have to charge them more per acre to cut it this way than to clear fell .They seem to think less trees to cut down less work but you guys know as well as I do means more hassle as there will be not much room to drop the trees
Digga it sounds like your customer is wanting maiden trees left on the stools(hoping they turn into a good quality timber trees)
If you look on ebay you can normally find that book on there.
hi Ross i was thinking they was probably after maiden trees the bit that im not sure about when they say you only have to cut the new shoots off the stub for the first year and they wont grow again?. from my experience of coppicing chestnut its far from true and that you will have to keep on cutting off the new shoots if you are wanting to leave a good looking lot of maidens?
Moving from the threads started, been looking at next years calendar and the trade shows we have been asked to attend, would be interested to know what sort of thing would the uk arb market would like to see demonstrated, is there particular info that would be good to cover or provide, any particular technical seminars?

What would grab your attention if you walked around a uk trade show, or more importantly what would like to see or would like to have at the show that you might benefit the most from?

Any ideas welcome?

The tight lycra clad ladies some-one has already covered!
i am now a competent person in the eyes of loler, yey. i passed with flying colours first time. now what to do with it?
Congratulations P1
I have had a few people ask me about CIS and CITB cards 'cos construction companies know FA. After talking with colleagues who inspect construction I found out that there is a 'basic site safety' unit of the CIS scheme. It wouldn't be unreasonable for a principal contractor that runs the CIS scheme to ask for this unit. (I know, more cash/time, I'll duck again) though they can take a running jump for any more and they can come and ask us if they don't believe that nptc cards are nationally recognised certificates of competance, that were around before construction thought about such things.
Does anyone care what i've been doing? Meetings with a council about their policies, meetings with 2 large organisations about work related stress, in court with 2 farmers that I spotted working on a barn one in a grain bucket on a telehandler one on the cement sheet roof walking the purlins. (Their access ladder actually blew over after I had got them down and was writing out the prohibition notice) and attending a 'pesticide liason inspectors conference' Am now working from home as my son has tonsilitus.
Please, someone let me out of the office to actually go and inspect something outside. :blob2:
Construction? your right about them knowing SFA. I have a situation right now, I cant get on a site to do my works, because the main contractor (demolition) cant produce a decent method statement. I'm working for the main contractor, not the demolition contractor, but they seemingly have to have site control. This dispite not being able to draw up a method statement. So we (whose method statement, risk assesment etc. is perfect) have to work under some demolition **** who has'nt a clue.
This is not a HSE problem, its a interpretation of the rules problem. I think that treework firms in general have a very good handle on H+S.