Brits talkin about Brit stuff

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I hope everyone had a great chrimbo,MY kids loved it even though i`ve been ill since xmas eve & only got to see a doc yesterday(very bad chest infection) so no drinking until the new year for me.
Have a great new year.
That must be an evil british cold bug, I brought it all the way to Australia, snot for DAYS!!! Just lovely as everyone is tucking into their turkey. A month and the greenies are just going away.
Oh well boys its off to work proper tommorow the holidays over,what you all got lined up me i'm a tractor driver for the day..
ha ha needed that link to find some pics but to late now.never mind.
sorry i missed ya ed but i got distracted and forgot you were in my neck of the woods,maybe catch ya another time.
as far as back to work i'm dreading it.i havn't done anything really for over 2 weeks so tomorrow will prob nearly kill me
righto lads ,,,back to the grindstone today ,am totally knackered ,couple of beers then bed ,gonna take at least two weeks to get match fit again ,got a real good feeling about this new year,good luck and profits to all of you brit boys on here ,,,cheers ,steve ,
Yep match fit for me too ,i'm quitting the 3 pints a night and i'm eating leaner this year, got to go down to 14st current weight ahh not telling ahh bullax 16st put I on 1/2 stone over xmas..
at least i got a nice easy job to go back to
biggest holme oak i've ever seen to come down followed by a big lime,a 50' lime and a beech to reduce a limb on,good thing is there isn't to much below any of 'em
maybe get some pics tomorrow
took a big hollow beech down yesterday with a hangover! i felt it too. then back on deadwooding today. i hate limes! early night tonight and hopefully feel better tomora. getting a bit sick of climbing. losing my mojo again. i hate deadwooding, a lot of graft for not much show.:cry: :bang:

works work somes good , some sh1te i think of it like this
c,reduction/cleaning deadwooding etc means the tree is hopefully much better looking healther and overall more pleasing, less wind resistance
blah blah blah
result we will still be in a job GOOD!!!
if lots of trees come out then that reduces the need to employ treeworkers
so we'll be out of a job BAD !!!
hope the mojo isn't lost, we all feel worse when the weather is naf
don't let it grind u down :)
just bought a new car today so feeling a bit better! going to try and go in on monday with a clear head and sort mesel oot like! the weather sucks and ime not gettin out on my bike much so thats got me down a bit. bring on the sunshine :D goin to dublin next weekend so a bit of fun shud sort me out.
Highpoint, if something bothers you about a post, simply click the red triangle in that post. As said before, there's been nothing reported in this thread for a good while. Since you raised a fuss, and was asked for a link, or post numbers, you disappear. Be one thing if a man had to go to bed, but to run on another lesser site, and make threats about members here, shows a lack of dignity and respect. Not to mention backbone.
The moderators work for the site owner, not for you. If you require assistance, ask. Don't demand.
ok then ralph here goes ,1. I dint go running to another inferior site ,its quiet possible to have both up at the same time .this is the same inferior site that your a member of i take it ?
2.I voiced my concerns to the powers that be a couple of weeks ago and never heard anything about it .i was not the only brit to be offended by the guys posts . in fact go to the treehouse a view a thread called brit role call .i stated i was upset about this last friday .I have not' just' decided to raise a fuss as you so politely put it .
3 .backbone ???? my god man i served my country for 7 years in some of the worlds most hostile places ,i have more backbone than most let me tell you .
I did not threaten any a/s members i threatened one particular self-opinionated rodent (who was due it anyway).
4 numbers from bowlers posts? surely if somone reports a post you read a little into the thread to see why this has happened??or are you perhaps to busy your emminence .
my last post was at around 1 o clock ish and yep i went to bed .