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I would prefere a 252 it weighs nothing and does not destroy lawns!
stumpy66 said:
as i have said before, multi tip is ok on the 20hp dosko (much better than orriginal) but is wearing out now.....don't trust patrick watts as for as i could throw him....which in fairness is not that far but you get my drift...dura disk...any feed back on that...carlton are trialling it but i have heard nothing on how well it is doing!!

I can assure you guys that the multi tip is not being trialed on the Carlton products. Sandvik is the wheel that is standard fit ment. on all machines above pedestrian size.
The sandvik has incresed productiverty on some models by upto 40%
and tooth wear is very very good.
Dura disc 2

km stumps said:
hi spoke to a contractor who uses it, aparently cuts very fast not good at plunge cutting wheel wears after 8 or 900 hours and needs to be replaced bearings wear 4 500 hours but over all he was pleased with speed of cut fitted to 252 vemeer

The Dura disc 2 is better then the early dura disc and makes good plundge cut.some grinders like 252 and 1625 have small bearings which can suffer from the weight of the sandvik but an upgrade og bearing will help that and longer life.The carlton useds bearings double the size of vermeer abd rayco and has alway done so the bearings will be ok with heavyer cutter wheels.
Dura disc 2 is the disc used on Carlton. soon available for all grinders once we have the wheels made up.
i used a carlton with the sandvik head.....i was told when i hired it to take out more wood that usual in each sweep as that was how the head was designed...well what a load of bollocks that was, i tried it and the machine near enough died. in fact i tried everything and ended up just skimming small bits off at a time....pants

and yes the teeth were brand new
Liston, sorry mate..i was not inferring that you were using multi-tip, i was definitely asking for feedback on the dura disk that you are trialling....

Bit touchy on that one there a story there???? :)
dura disc 2

as with all pruducts, if they do the job better than the old pruduct, they sell themselves , salesmen always believe their own spin thats the trouble , if people dont like dura disc they will be backing alot of carltons , better get some conversion kits in
Ross Turner said:
So you have only part of the RFS cert arb,as you need more NPTC qualifications,which goes back to what Rollacosta & i was saying in another thread.
i wud love to get a cert arb qualification!! so where abouts in ecosse are you from jamie? i'm from west lothian originally. me and rossburger only have the lame qualifications like 2.3 (me), and unit 5 (ross). lol
last posting fo multi tip

have used multi tip on sc 252 on all types of jobs and stumps, final say is good system no broken poly belts or other ,tooth change is fast and fewer ,teeth hold up well in concrete and metal strikes, cuts very fast ,side ways cut is brill downside very agressive , you have to get used to it ,but a very good idea dont take notice of all crap,thats been said about it , when i think of all the pro teeth i changed per job and pockets plus cost i multi tip tooth £8 plus vat 2x pro teeth £16 plus vat , last lot of work we did changed 8 multi tip teeth ,pro teeth would be about 30 , so i will not go back :deadhorse:
man. over the weekend someone drilled the lock off my van door and took my 200t and a 254 that doesn't work right(joke's on them haha). i was really annoyed at first but now i'm real chilled out. coz i had a FULL climbing kit, a rock climbing kit, a brand new boxed pair of chainsaw boots, a pair of chainsaw trousers, a couple of husqy ground helmets, and the cd player. the ******* obviously didn't know wot they were lookin for. :buttkick:

i know this has happened to so many cutters.
please keep your eyes open for a cheapo climbin saw!! serial number 16035...

:chainsaw: :greenchainsaw: