Brits talkin about Brit stuff

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yeah it was a good day actually, had a tallish chestnut to take down and a lime tree.

picked up my brand new spanking clean ms200t this morning, fresh out the box, never had a drop of petrol in it, so anyway i go to open the oil cap and the thing pings open and falls apart!
stephenbullman said:
yeah it was a good day actually, had a tallish chestnut to take down and a lime tree.

picked up my brand new spanking clean ms200t this morning, fresh out the box, never had a drop of petrol in it, so anyway i go to open the oil cap and the thing pings open and falls apart!
Hate them!! Hate them!! They are a pain in the a$$! I'll reply to your pm later as Aol crashed while I was replying.
stephenbullman said:
not working today dude?
MB slack so not for him 2day, just working up the road, so popped home for lunch. That's the life! :)
got my nptc chainsaw assement on thursday, still havn't practiced a split level cut and cant get a tree hung up for Sh*T. Every time i try the top of the tree either snaps off or crashes through the tree i'm trying to hang it up in. still theres one day left......................
what i cant work out with that MOD job the basterds told me all the sites [the whole job] had to be done within 45 days lmfao ,and at the colchester barrack's all the stumps had to be ground out,plus there was a lot of umming and arring about ,if they had enough in the budget to do all the work ,i dealt directly with serco ,i had no dealing's with turfsol ,i learned a good lesson whilst pricing and getting that job ,never ever have a partner [my partner for that job turned out to be a f*cking idiot] thanks to the **** we grossly under priced the job and had to pull off
Tell me about the pricing there at Colchester, had to run round like blue-a$$ed fly at the end to try and make a decent day rate! And wasn't the site plans absolutely ????e?
haha bigA when i get bored and want a laugh a dig out the plans and take a look,oh can't tell you too much about the pricing for individuals camps we priced for the whole thing ,wimbish,woodbridege ,colchester,wattisham and more ,they [serco] wanted all the sites finnished in 45 day's

bigA what's happening to the big cherry stumps at colchester ,we had to include stumpgrinding ,clear chips replace with top soil
big a,
saw a mb tree's truck travelling along the A505 this afternoon between royston and duxford,was it you??
blue said:
big a,
saw a mb tree's truck travelling along the A505 this afternoon between royston and duxford,was it you??
Yeah, on the way back from Welwyn Gdn City. Another good day, pruned 5 beech, forgot to photo them! DOH!
haha bigA when i get bored and want a laugh a dig out the plans and take a look,oh can't tell you too much about the pricing for individuals camps we priced for the whole thing ,wimbish,woodbridege ,colchester,wattisham and more ,they [serco] wanted all the sites finnished in 45 day's

bigA what's happening to the big cherry stumps at colchester ,we had to include stumpgrinding ,clear chips replace with top soil
I think the stump-gtrinding is down as an extra, not 100% sure, I think it depends on funds available.
stephenbullman said:
marcus got some work come in then?
Yeah, only worked yesterday and Monday. Yesterday was meant to be 2 days work but we didnt want to drive back there again, Double Bubble on that beaut.Hee-hee :)
Surfing up-river

It feels a bit odd making the 601st post in a thread for Brits talking about Brit stuff. Maybe you'll accept my paternal heritage having it's roots in Dunlop Scotland as my ticket in the door :)

This morning I found this link on the Patrick O'Brian discussion forum. It shows when and where the tidal bore flows up the Severn River or do you say River Severn?
That's pretty dang neat, surfing a river! :cool:
