Brits talkin about Brit stuff

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RIP :angel:

died today
john peel radio 1 dj , ordinary bloke and real nice guy ,a great british institution !,without this guy there would have been no sex pistols,clash,u2 and many many more great bands he gave un-signed bands air time on national radio, on his nightly 10 pm show..most of us Brits in the over 30 age group will no just where in comeing from
come on guys lets try and keep the brit thread alive ! what have you boys been upto this week..and man what a storm/battering they got down the west country this week..i bet the tree boys down there are cashing in :D

one of our mulchers has been having problems, an oil line to the turbos was pishing oil so the boss was away with the operator leaving me on my own to bodge away at the yard......for 2 days......on my own...boring as feck.

got some dodgy geezas round trying to sell us cheap desil gennies and powertools....they had a irish plated transit....and dissapeared sharpish.....never left a calling card, funny that.

after a day out with the boss (i was driving the long routes everywhere to avoid the rain:D ) i found out that he aint taking on another climber as he would much rather give me the exp and instead get a new that is me up off of the bottom rung of the ladder no longer no. 5 in a 5 man crew.

Been looking for another job since i walked out of my last one last friday.My old boss wanted us to carry out work in servere winds,Thunder & lighting next to 11kV lines & stated in the past things like "if you dont do it you dont have a job","if you arnt at the digs tonite you dont have a job tommorrow"(did not tell us to have overnite bag)."its your Job or Family".
Then his safety was lets say questionable.
electric co state that in storms ,lightening risk move away from the ohl,its stated in the regs ,electricity at work regs,health and safety at work regs ,hsg 47 ,etc etc ,sounds like a real idiot this boss of yours,if hes prepared to sacrifice safety for profit ,maybe you should get away from him ,you do have a young family ,before work do you complete risk assesments,method statements etc,if so get the risks on paper ,cover your self,do you need to report your daily whereabouts to elec co ? if so .ask what lightening risk is ,yeb used to call us daily with lightening risk ,category ,work safe mate ,
Yes i know all that,I am Unit 5 qualified as well.His risk assesments arnt worth the paper they are written on,as for method statements he hasn`t got a clue.we had to let the REC know everytime we moved site & very rarely would they advise of electrical storms in the area,National Grid used to.

As i said i walked out of that job a week ago.The last job i carried out was an Ash takedown nothing big,just that everything had to be roped,as we were working in a carvan park so had caravans on 3 sides & a 11kV line to deal with as well(cat 1 tree).the owner had another 12 sites on his land & would not consent until this tree had been removed.
It took 2 days for 3 men to finnish the job due to high winds & thunder storms.

I texted him on the first day to say job was not going well & he replied "just get on with it".So that was the last straw & left.
i've worked for people like that.if all else fail's i found on one occasion a little violence did the trick.still walked from job though but felt a whole lot better about it:D
are you self employed Ross??...if your old boss employs quite a few men then i would inform HSE about his working practises..regarding the ASH td then unless the length of time taken to do the job affected you severly financialy then i would tend to be on the side of your old employer simply get it done if i/the employer lost out financialy tuff chit

being an employer i find it sometimes a strain keeping everybody not sticking up for your old boss but running a bizz theses days is a real head ache ..when an employer goes home 50 % of the time he takes work home with him.i often do 70 hour weeks half of which is un-paid

jamie then transit van boys where travellers the gennies arnt knicked there just cheap chineses out for them selling dewalt drills at silly low prices..there not dewalt there ****** again with a dewalt sticker...theses boys also flog tv ,cam-corders etc ,half of which are second hand non workers ,i personaly know lots of theses boys imo everyone has to make a living /feed the family ..errr but im not buying anything from em :D

well boys the weather has been kind to us [unless you live in the west country] well its been good down here in the SE /EAST ANGLIA...have you got another job yet ROSS ??..terressa and blue keep the violence to a minimum last tear up i had cost me a brocken nose and £250 fine :mad:
what you get the fine for rolla affray???????
£250 fine got you off lightly there ,
ive got a court order against me from my missus ex not aloud within 250 yards of the little turd or away to the big house i go on a section 18 assault (one down from manslaughter)
apparently this woman beating scum didnt like it one night when his door went through and some chap (dunno who ????) preceded to kick his head in ,funny how there where conflicting reports of my whereabouts at the time ,i swear i was in the pub with the lads on that night ,in fact several witnesses testified to the fact and the cctv tape from the pub got inadvertantley wiped :rolleyes: strange series of events :angel:
YEP £250 affray bound over to keep the peace for 1 year so no real big deal..still id have rather of had the fine and been bound over than recieve the beating i gave the **** any day :D ..put it like this he ate mainly soft food for several weeks and got booted out of the ARMY seems this **** liked to get pi$$ed up and start a scrap on a fairly regular basis fortunatly this time he met more than his match..:D
No im not self employed & i dont think it hit my X boss financialy as he was getting paid day rate for the zone we were working on as no one else was willing to cut it.
I have thought about the HSE but i think the other employees would suffer.As for paper work he has trouble spelling etc so he gets other employees to do it for him & his wife cooks the books(lol).Nearly all his work force do nearly a 65hr week & the wages for a climber was £400 & i had to supply all my own kit.

AS for running his bizz one of his surveyors does most the running about,while he flirts with all who gives him the time of day & does nowt.

As for finding another job,i have sent cv & covering letters to local companies to see if they have any vacancies.Fingers crossed.
wish you well ross ,got my ear to the ground for you ,them drums is banging,sounds like you know the score work shouldnt be too hard for you to find,chin up ,and sod the ex gaffer ,not worth a carrot ,why not name and shame him ???? small world the tree caper in the uk, £250 doesnt sound too bad ,managable ,,,,;)
poor sugar in his fuel tanks, you know it makes sense.

you lot sound a right rum bunch, fighting, court, telling the boss to shove it, hell you sound more like me than i am!

I'v been working as a ground man for the last year for an arb company, my boss is a right diddly, but he knows his stuff, so i'v started studying, in my first year of a national diploma in forestry/arb get to slack off for a couple of years!
worked on the biggest tree in my life the last wed/thur. them storms didn't t touch us, perfect conditions, barely a breez. 200 year sycamour about 95-100ft. Right beast. had a cavity round one side near the floor, pritty big. dug all the crap out of it to see how much wood there was holding it up, by the time we'd finished we'd hit water, i could sit down at the botom crosss legged and still have room for a game of solitare and could stand up straight in it and i'm 6ft3.

Proud to be British. now i'm off for a pint o'bitter and some black puddin.

just seen on either used equipmant or large equipmant that one of our brother ARBOs up north has had a RAM CHIPPER NICKED..keep your eyes peeled i will pay £500 max for it !! only jokeing no fun getting FEEKING GEAR KNICKED:angry: