Broke my SS today.

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got it this one
I have ~125V here...and I have never broke the wedge off my splitter...although onlookers may have thought that I was trying!
Just a heads up Unc...I think your SS caught cooties from your new truck, because that is totally a GM type fail!
Better keep that thing parked out in the street by itself or it may spread to your other equipment! :surprised3: :D :buttkick::happybanana:
I have ~125V here...and I have never broke the wedge off my splitter...although onlookers may have thought that I was trying!
Just a heads up Unc...I think your SS caught cooties from your new truck, because that is totally a GM type fail!
Better keep that thing parked out in the street by itself or it may spread to your other equipment! :surprised3: :D :buttkick::happybanana:

Don't worry - it's in the street as we speaketh. I'm keeping it far away from my Toyota and Fords.

Splitter worked just great this morning, and the kids and I came up with a new chore system. Right now the whole gang goes over and splits for 30 minutes. I've been trying to keep them pushing for speed, but they do this before breakfast, so they trudge along. I tell them that Summer is coming with it's heat and humidity, they better get moving! But they trudge along.

School ends in 3 weeks, and I asked them how they wanted to do the splitting. One wants to do it before breakfast, others after. SO, oldest boy and I will split for an hour before breakfast, tag off to oldest daughter and a younger son, and they will tag off to second son and 3rd daughter. We'll each get in one hour of splitting, but 3 hours total. We should get everything done much faster that way. Got a couple cords to split over at the shop, then about 3-4 at the house - all oak!
120v you mean, 110v is England.

I have seen in some hospitals where it is reduced to 110 plus/minus a volt or 2. I am not an electrician but can read a meter.....

Also, some labs and commercial settings I have seen it also.

Back on topic. I can see where they like to leave a little gap for penetration. I will do that from time to time if welding thicker steel. As long as you can make a pass on the back side, if not a couple passes. 1st SS wedge failure also I have seen.

Oh, I like making blocks of wood better than wedges also...
I almost hate to jump in here, but my S.S. broke down over the weekend as well. I put it to rest last winter with a fresh oil change, clean up and readjusted everything so it was ready to go for the spring. In my infinite wisdom, I either forgot to put stabil/seafoam in the remainder of fuel or it didn't work. The float in the carb stuck and filled the crank case. Chunk of crap under the seal, he said. Luckily I found it when I did. Took it down to the local small engine guru and $30.00 later, all is well! Wish I knew something about small engines.
Tom, what kind of oil do you run in that Onan? Any idea what voltage the generator/ alternator on it puts out? Are those bias or radials on that trailer? How many pounds in the tires? Do you need a CDL for that trailer? And I hope OSHA doesn't see how high you have those splits piles and unsecured too. Lawsuit waiting to happen. And you might want to blur out that Evinrude sign, no unpaid advertising allowed.

Reported to admin.

Nice welder but red is better. :)
you had to mention bias ply tires didn't cha? @Whitespider will be here as soon as he's done over in political forum. HI UNK.