how the heck i missed this thread for couple a months i'll never know. totally amazing. i always thought something like this could be done. just not by me. way to go. btw, are the bugs worked out of the saw yet?
maybe it was asked already but would any WildThing bodywork fit on this thing?
anyone know the progress of this saw?? ed hasnt posted in a bit..
You started a thread asking a about this yesterday and I answered it there.
Okay, I gotta get in on this, I am looking for a very lightweight but powerful saw myself.
I have a china made Homelite "pro" 46 cc saw that is the perfect weight for me to handle, can I do a p/c swap on it to boost it up to something close to what is in the thread ?
You have to have a split cased bolt on cylinder and your saw is a clamshell.
You did such a great job with this thread my friend copied you. View attachment 294898
Well almost. There is no port work.
Ran it for the first time today.
The carb is a hdb from a 3400 poulan
View attachment 294899
The choke works backward from the hda carb. Plus the choke arm has to be modified to fit. Flipped and shortened..
Running the three shoe clutch also from the 3400.
Thanks for such a great idea.
Possibly the best topic i've seen here so faropcorn:
Ed, you gonna start marketing these bushing?? :msp_biggrin: