Mister Wizard
I had to stay with the 34mm stroke. The 038 Mag was the largest top end that I had with a 34mm stroke.
I started to do another one with an 036 top end. That uses a 10mm pin, so no bushings are needed. I notched the fins to get the jug to fit. Then I checked the squish and found out it had .070ish. So I quit then. If somebody knows a piston with a taller pin to crown height than an 036, that mod would be even easier. Still need to cut the flywheel though and remove the fins on the transfers.
A Husky 61 has a 34mm stroke and a 48mm bore. Not sure what the crown to pin measurement is....and can't remember the pin diameter right now. You're gonna end up with 61.5cc using an 036 top end. A Poulan 3500 is 60cc (and that top end bolts onto a 2800 Poulan). Not sure if your 036 hybrid is worth the trouble. 72cc sure is though.

Have you looked into using a 268XP or 272XP top end? Again....I can't remember the pin diameter, pin-crown measurement,or rod small end width for that saw series. They also have 34mm stroke measurements........and have 50mm & 52mm bore measurements (respectively). that series (61-thru-272XP) also doesn't use a spigot on the cylinder and a boot........but instead uses a rigid intake manifold. Maybe you could make up your own spigot that bolts to the cylinder...
Model Profile: 61 RANCHER
Model Profile: 036 AVSEQ
Model Profile: 266XP
Model Profile: 272XP
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