Burls, Collars and Natural Targets

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Where should the cut be?

  • Closer to trunk, clients want a neater look

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Closer to trunk, Dr. Shigo said "No Stubs"!

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • More slant and further out--less dead, more live wood

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • You did OK; go worry about something else!

    Votes: 10 47.6%

  • Total voters
Was their any visible signs as to why the limb was dying in the first place???


"what may be quote " live tissue " at the present was showing signs that it was in a state of limbo between live and dead and showing signs that it was definately on it's way out. I took your second pic and marked what I'm trying to say.

Good point and good observation. Black specs indicate that decay may well be advancing downward, a good argument for removing all dead tissue.

"Is there any real harm in just cutting farther back and accelerating the compartmentalization process that is already occuring??
No. Usually, cutting back makes a bigger wound and thus delays closure, but in this case getting the dead out is Job #1.

"Was the live tissue left actually viable enough to carry out the tree's life functions??

Yes I think that woundwood/callus is important for storage and metabolism, but not when it gets decayed. :rolleyes:

"The color of the good wood at the bottom of the pic just looked let just say "off " from what normal healthy wood would look like.
yes, that off color may be due to fungal enzymes. Great points, I'm clearer now on the need to shorten.
MasterBlaster said:
Haha. Now, it's a blinding read.
mb, the use of " quotation marks to show what was said by another was clear enough, wasn't it? I get tired of writing [QUOTE, /QUOTE all the time; is there a better way? I sure won't go to orange...
MasterBlaster said:
Meh, closing the quote with quotation marks woulda been enuff! ;)

Quoting = simple

Just type youre text and then select it with left mouse.

when the target text is selected just klik in that edit bar above the text typingfield on that right side 'balloon'. Mouse over it will say 'wrap quote tags around selected text'.

Maybe its all writing in the wrong post.....
Crikey, if you had just cut it where I said pages ago you'd be makin more video's by now! :)
Last edited:
Just a thought to let wander around the recesses of your convoluted tissues. -Collar cuts are the right cuts for good sound reasons but it is valuable to recall that MOST of the flush cuts made back in the flushcut era compartmentalized and closed without problems. Flush cuts injure parent tissue and increase the odds of deleterious effects but they don't make them inevitable. I'll leave "mini-stubs" where woundwood has run out a dead branch but I would have made the Ekkacut on this sample without hesitation.That still would not constitute a Flushcut but even if it wounds woundwood that might be considered part of the tissues of the parent branch I would expect good closure.
Ekka said:
this is where I would cut


I would do this also.
Stubs are wood left beyond the branch collar. If the tree has started to shed a branch and formed a new collar, like the pictures, the stub is way out there. Cut only dead wood. Otherwise it's no different than topping. You reinjure the tree and cause decay to flow out into the layers of healthy wood. We're not plastic surgeons. Sometimes the client needs to be told that the knob will be left because its the right thing for the tree.
Yep, and sometimes they just don't care. You have to learn to pick which battles you want to fight.
These extended collars are best left in tact, but removal or wounding them is about the same as taking a limb that same diameter. Luckily in this case, it looks high enough that it won't bother the customer, and even if it does, they won't cut it off after you leave.
People are idiots. Today we cut down some nice trees, way out on a fence line, for no reason. It was a new subdivision and the customer was stupid. She could not be convinced that the trees, that were over a hundred years old, were in perfect health. There were faults she could see, that we experts couldn't.
After exhaustive dialog, our tactic was bid really high. To no avail, the trees lost. Three notch and drops, 2 men, 2 hours, $1400.00.
saved this one the other day.customer wanted it gone WHY?? dead wooded/took limb over porch off deadwooded irish strawberry billed them the same everyones happy.
Mike Maas said:
After exhaustive dialog, our tactic was bid really high. To no avail, the trees lost. WHF?
Sorry you lost that battle, Mike. I'd feel really bad after one of those losses, but putting some of that money into replanting or preserving some tree somewhere eased the pain.

Lopa, you da man; good-looking work, mate!
im going back there tommorow ill take a pic for you,i nailed this pine thou to keep the gum. :angel:
Jim1NZ said:
I would do this also.

Then along with EKKA you would have made the cut in the incorrect place..i would without a doubt have made the cut where Treeseer did OAKS as RULE tell you where they would like to be cut,however un-apealing the finished cut looks to the human eye
Ekka's cut would have been most pleasing to the untrained eye, leaving the collar in tact would have been best for the tree.
Some of us have the idea that trees are an asset to the planet, something that shouldn't be owned by one man. Others think of trees as a commodity.
Those in the first group would most likely be democrats, those in the second, republicans. Trees are political. I can tell your political affiliation by how you talk about trees.
In the same light, a super religious guy I occasionally sub to has no problem with killing the most beautiful tree you could imagine. Something about "God put everything here for Man's dominion."

Go figure...
Bible thumpers have NO respect for the beauty that God has given us! It's crazy! They should be right there doing their best to save the environment, but they seem to think if the planet fails, it doesn't matter because they will be going to heaven. It makes no sense!
God will be there going, "Sorry A-wipe, you're not getting into heaven, because you messed Earth up!"
"I spent 7 days..."