I am sitting in the house but can smell the horses and taste that Sheep or Elk tenderloin now!
I can use that word and fit it into a sentence that fits the thread!
Taking elk tenderloin , or deer moose or sheep what have you.
Cutting them to 1 1/2" - 2" stakes, peppering them, season with garlic, crushed red-pepper or what have you.
Placing them up right on a block of Lodgepole or Yellow Pine, or what have you.
With another block of firewood, smack down on the tenderloin stake, one good smack should flatten it out to about twice its diameter.
With a good hot fry-pan over a fire of (???) '
what have you' smoking hot butter seasoned with '
what have you' . If the butter is so hot, they flip them selves when first tossed in, it's about right! Sizzle the flattened loin-stakes just so on each side.
Blackened on the outside, red/pink on the inside, and dose life get better?