Yeah look its all good, it would be fantastic to live in Kentucky, where you probably earn a quarter of what we do and get to pay half what we do for your gear, but unfortunately i don't so i pay good old inflated Aussie retail, but best thing is, while Rudolf and the OP are sitting at there letter boxes making chainsaw noises waiting for the postman to show with there half price saw, my "reserved only for the rich" saws are earning me 600 a day, who is really in front, all the power to you if you want to save your self a few hundred bucks, but its not my cup of tea, i pay for reliability and service, hey, i'm a 25 year experienced mechanic, i can work on my own gear too, but paying a bit extra to not have to is worth every penny to me, maybe not you, but you have your opinion and i have mine, but one things for sure, in the last 30 years of locally buying chainsaws i haven't gone bankrupt, they are a tool that earns me money, simply put, an investment, and Aussie retail, although stupidly inflated, still isn't bank busting so i don't see it as an overly big issue.