How are you calculating worry and liability?
Worry - They already have it, that's why they called you. Also, in your report you specify your solution. Anyone that goes with that solution should be thinking what if it does not work...more worry.
Liability - As stated in other replies, the tree is near structures and public thoroughfares.
Stuff happens, and who will have to pay if that stuff does happen? If the owner goes with your solution does that make them more liable because they tried a solution implying that they knew there was a problem? Is the person who did the work liable in anyway? Ya, that is the fear side of the equation but something they should consider. I know you do as you do this often enough.
So, that is about where I am coming from. A different solution than yours but the one I would vote for if my vote counted for anything, and I know it does not :taped:
Replacement trees can be planted now....and this tree can be kept healthy and safe and providing benefits up until it's useful time has passed. There is no need for a big gap in tree benefits!
It looked a little tight in that space to bring another tree along but you all would know better. Of course you'd have to stay involved in the process to say when would be the best time to cut the existing one so that the new one doesn't grow into an undesirable form reaching for the sun. I would vote for that option also, but the owner might balk at paying to save the current one knowing they will take it down in the near future. A good option though.
I've got a friend that we visit a couple times a year. We were just there yesterday. They have this dogwood that I am always surprised to still see standing every time we visit. It's maybe 20 foot and probably 30-40 years old. It forks about 1 foot up but the fork "looks" solid enough. One fork has only about 1/2 of the spar still there. What is left and visible is rotted and bored leaving a thick crescent shape. Furter up from that there are quarter sized and larger holes that I just noticed yesterday go through the tree. I'd guess there is at most 30% live wood left. The other spar isn't doing much better. I keep asking them if they want me to bring up my chainsaw. They want the little bit of shade it gives for now. They plan on putting on an addition in the near future that will necessitate it coming down. I tell them the same thing. Replant another tree. Luckily this one "should" do minimal if any damage to the house if it falls. I just hope it does not hit someone. I'll try to get some pix of the tree, we should be up there in about a month.
Good luck with it, do continue to post how the job progresses. I'm certain you can keep the tree going for another 10-20 years, heck maybe even more
