Can you tell me what wood this is?

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Pictures of black locust and hickory both come close so it may be. Wish I had a bigger sample. like a cord. That little piece weighs upwards of 10lbs.

Truthfully I had never heard of black locust before reading up when I got my house with wood burner. And I certainly didn't think it was in this area - but apparently it is.
Now to find some!

My guess is it is a walnut that way even if it is a hickory
I am right :laugh: The heart looks like black walnut to me!
The Black Locust that is here in PA. doesn't look anything like that, especially that it's yellow inside not brown. I'm GUESSING Shellbark Hickory? I had some of that years ago and it was great, but I can't recall if the inside is Brown or not...

:agree2: Same here with black locust--mine is yellow, not dark brown.
Bark looks like locust. the heartwood sure doesnt. We dont have any hickory around here, so i am not very familiar with it.
:agree2: Same here with black locust--mine is yellow, not dark brown.

Yellow and stringier inside than in the picture. Black Locust here has a very thick "ribbed" bark, nothing like pictured, although trees do vary from tree-to-tree and region-to-region. I still believe it to be Shellbark Hickory.
The dark brown looks like heart rot from fungal infection.

Peel off a splinter with a knife and light it, if it smells like hickory ... then it isn't BL.

Wheres Harry ? I'm sure he has seen heart rot in some of the old monsters he has cut.
It looks like shagbark or shellbark hickory to me. I am currently burning a shagbark hickory that was before I split it, 10" dbh. The bark really doesn't seem to "shed off" when the tree is that young. There might be a little peeling but not like a mature tree would have. I thought I saw some of that in the 1st picture of the bark.
The dark brown looks like heart rot from fungal infection.

Peel off a splinter with a knife and light it, if it smells like hickory ... then it isn't BL.

Wheres Harry ? I'm sure he has seen heart rot in some of the old monsters he has cut.

Dang I have seen heart rot many times but
I still saw it is in the walnut family!

carya ovata
shagbark hickory
very low durability (rots easy)
black walnut med durability
black locust dont rot
I'll suggest maybe cercis, juglans or castinea sativa - bearing in mind i'm in continental europe and not sure wotchya got over there...
I'll suggest maybe cercis, juglans or castinea sativa - bearing in mind i'm in continental europe and not sure wotchya got over there...
if its dry and its heavy its not walnut,so I'm saying hickory. But just a redneck hick here. Whats with all them there fancy names with wood?
Firewood? Doesn't look like lumber or plywood to me? You can usually spot a difference in how it's made up. Lumber is usually 8' and longer, while plywood is usually 1/2" thick in 4x8 sheets. Firewood is usually 12-18" in length, unless you have an OWB. It's typically jagged along one face.

Best way to tell is to try and do something with it. If it's too small to build a house out of, than it's probably firewod. Burn it and find out!

Type firewood into your google image search. You might see something that maches up with your specimen!

Where are you coming up with lumber or plywood?:confused: He posted a picture of a piece of firewood in the firewood forum. I'm betting it is firewood.

My first instinct was walnut, but seeing how we don't see much of that or any of the other species suggested I'll leave it as a guess.
I thought it was firewood, but then I ran more tests:

I looked at it out of the very corner of my eye, and I could have sworn it was sheetrock. Then I pounded my eyes with my fists and it looked like pink fiberglass insulation.
Not locust its kind of brownish in color ,not walnut its a darker brown ...........thats hickory it has white closer to the bark and reddish heart wood.