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The 038 and 038 Magnum had the Bing 47 carburetor. The early 064 AV had the Bing 48.

The 034, 036, 044, and 046 have all had Zama carbs at one time ( C3M ). Zama exclusively makes the carbs for the "Arctic" models, including the Arctic 026, except for the Arctic 066/660 which uses a Walbro carb that has a heating plate.

Early small Stihl saws like the 031, 020av, 020 Super, and 028 used the Tillotson HU models or a small Walbro WA.

Some early 090s and 090Gs also came with a Mikuni carb similar to a Tillotson HL. Some of the early 070s had a large Walbro that was similar.

If anyone knows where to get a carb kit for the Bing 48 that came on the early 064, let me know. The carb kit is listed as "NLA" for that model. The carb kit for the Bing 47 038 carburetor is still available but the parts do not mix and match between the two models, they're completely different animals.
My 650 Solo has a Bing, and I wish it didn't. I'm not going to go dig it out, but I think my old 330 Homelite had a Zama, and I think my Makita 6401 has a Zama.
Tilly Hs

Also Lombard al-42 and take -offs,Stihl 042-048,most of the McCulloch 10 series.They even used this little carb on the sp 105 and sp 125,and numerous others.Now,if you want a list on the HL series Tillotson,it would not fit on this page.;)
You are correct, your 6401 does have a Zama carb on it. Zama has a new plant in China that is supposed to be state of the art. I do know that the machine work on the newer Zama's carbs are first rate. That's more then I can say for some of their older ones.

Yes I have swapped out a few carbs on saws. I have many of the Bing carbs here from the 038s and the 064s. When you figure the price of a new kit plus your time, its cheaper to just install a replacement carb.
Sometime we cant get enough fuel/air to feed through the stock carb on a modified saw, so we change them. I have a little 540 Dolmar here that now has a Zama carb off of a 7900 Dolmar. It will handle all of the fuel that carb will feed it but the saw isn't stock.

The Pallas carb is a new one to me. What do they use it on?


Does the "Arctic" 026 with the Zama carb use a different air filter and air box to that of the 260?

I'm not very happy with the filter on my 260.

What would be a good carb to replace the Bing 48 on my Solo?

Dozerdan, the 6401 starts second pull and runs perfect. I don't know how all the old Zamas worked, but I have one on an old Olympyk 355 that works great. The saw is a dog, but always dependable in a pinch.
I have a Stihl BLK with Pallas on it.
I belive it was common carb. at the time, perhaps more mopeds/motorcycles.

well ill offend with this ,,but if its made in china,not interested..they get to play in our game ,without payin labor cost..
id like o see the chinese have every thing they can get in a free interprise system..
problem they take advantage of the free interprise system without payin there dues as japan short the individual
benefits are much lower than here.. while the state accumulates the wealth.. this is my understanding of short until they level the plain field ,i ll try not buy chinese .. yea i know ,just about impossible:) jmo

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