Gary aka Gasoline72 did a nice one on old Tillitsons, with pics too.
I second that-nice pics too
Gary aka Gasoline72 did a nice one on old Tillitsons, with pics too.
Well, I ruined my secind carburetor, trying to follow this sequence.
Synthetic safe Gunscrubber, gently sprayed, careful attention to detail, Walbro carb for an 028 Super, did not remove brass jet, but sprayed from both directions. Now the carb blows as much mist back out as it does into thecylinder, and it is flooding to wher it barely runs with the filter off, and it soaks my hand with a mist of fuel mix. WTF AM I DOING WRONG?!?!?!?!?!?!
I did teh same thing to a Tillotson for my 056 Mag last year.
I am about to go crazy. The saw ran before I redid the carb, everything looked like new, I did get a bit of dirt out of it. Only sprayed the little screen, did not remove it.
The little arm that holds the little plunger with the conical synthetic tip, it has a dimple where it covers the spring, I pointed the dimple down to hold the spring on place. Th only thing I can think is that the seat for that rubber tip has dirt on it and it wont let the tip seal the opening.
Pleas advise, I am out of ideas on this...
Just curious as to how you set the metering lever height on the walbro, they require a factory gauge or precise measurements, this is the one common thing that causes carb flooding like you described along with improper diaphragm amd gasket placement and the hooking of the needle valve to the metering lever and or hooking the diaphragm to the metering lever if so equipped.
Oh, I never mess with that, it is above my pay grade. Maybe I am somehow changing that height when I reinstall the metering lever. Any advice on how to obtain a gauge?
Man I feel like a doofus....... I have had great success rebuilding car and lawn mower carburetors..........this is a different animal entirely.