Carrying a saw on a tractor?

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I would love to be able to stick the saw in a tractor cab. But then I would just be putting branches through the glass. What MF is that? Looks like a mid-80s cab. Which is not a time MF was selling many big tractors.
I don't even know where I could bolt a scabbard too. My MF 271 has a quicke loader which doesn't have big square loader posts. I've done the bucket thing and dumped a saw out as well. Plus then you can't throw wood in the bucket.
she's a 7 ton Monster with 354 cube's of Perkins Muscle ,14ton forestry approved class cab ...she was made in 1979, Massey Ferguson 2675 ...its totally unstoppable! :biggrin: got duel wheels for her too, put them on when sniging logs in the swamp, the wheels alone are over 1.5 ton each, filled with water for ballast ...she weights around 10ton when fully tweaked with the duels
Wow water ballast. I would say it doesn't get that cold in your part of Australia. All of mine have calcium chloride in the tires it works well, but will rot the rims out in eventually.
A mounted scabbard is the only way to go.



I have a L3710 and I want to do the same thing you did with the wooden scabbard. How did you attach it?
In the tubes? We always tube before calcium. Should hold up fine if so.

Yes in the tubes. But it will rot starting around the stem. My 606 rims are just about rotted through but I'm pretty sure they are the original 1962 rims. So I'm willing to put up with that rather than washer fluid or beet juice.
Don't know why I didn't think of it earlier but a simple bungree cord around the top handle held the new saw perfectly on under the floorboard.
Cargo box for the rear of the tractor. Built it so I just slide the hay forks into it, pick it up, tilt forward, on my way. Go out with the tools, come back with a load of rounds and the tools. Easey peasey and real nice for loading, just roll the big ones in.
JWalker sure like your set up. I'm sure gonna "borrow" that idea for my little John Deere, on the big tractors they get to ride in the cab, but in the little tractor we let them ride in the bucket. I think you did the right thing going with the geared version on your tractor, I did the same thing on my 45 hp Deere, the hydro drive will suck 15-20% of your hp away, depending on the tractor that is substantial in these smaller tractors. Kudo's to you on your saw carrier, sure is an effective way to carry one without damaging it. Rep sent!
On my NAA tractor I have a piece of aluminum angle iron with a 4" slot cut in it bolted to the fender where I slip a chainsaw through. I have a piece on both fender so I can take two saws with me when headed into the woods. Works the nuts.
JWalker sure like your set up. I'm sure gonna "borrow" that idea for my little John Deere, on the big tractors they get to ride in the cab, but in the little tractor we let them ride in the bucket. I think you did the right thing going with the geared version on your tractor, I did the same thing on my 45 hp Deere, the hydro drive will suck 15-20% of your hp away, depending on the tractor that is substantial in these smaller tractors. Kudo's to you on your saw carrier, sure is an effective way to carry one without damaging it. Rep sent!

I did think about the PTO output being a small tractor.
Mowing with a 5 ft. brushhog on steep slopes.

