cat rescue

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I'm just an employee, but our office gets calls for cat rescues, and our office manager just slaps a notice on the bulletin board, whoever wants the job can take it.

For me its $50 just to show up, if Fluffy is already out of the tree or not.

$80 if Fluffy wants rescue, and I'm up, down and Fluffy safe in half an hour.

$100 an hour after that with my best efforts to bring Fluffball safely down.

Most Memorable:

Fluffball has been in a topped Fir for three days, family desperate. SPCA no help, Fire department tried ladders, not tall enough. No access for boom or ladder truck.

I arrive, Fluffmiester calmly resting perched in old bird's nest at old topping cut. Looks a piece of cake. With canvas bag and a can of herring at the ready, I talk and sing to Fluffspud on my way up.

One limb from the top, and I can still see Fluffbags paw hanging out over the top of the old birds nest, one grab right then and I would have had him...

But no, I am so sure this one will be easy, I go the last limb and pop my head over the top and BANG-ZOOM Fluffass is down the end of a 30 foot limb.

There is no top left in this tree to tie into, so I tie as high as I can and limbwalk one branch lower than Fluffdemon, who promptly walks back past me to the spar.

I walk back to the spar, Fluffdevil walks back to the end of the branch.

OK, the cat thinks he's smart. But I'm not letting a million years of evolution go to waste, I have tools! So I tied the branch off with the tail of my climbing rope, got out my hand saw, cut it so it had a nice slow fold, and lowered Fluffysmartass to the ground.

I asked for my usual $80, but the homeowner tipped me an extra $20, plus a couple pounds of smoked salmon.

They should feed the cat smoked salmon, he might hang around the house more often.

newb said:
I've never seen a cat skeleton in a tree!
Thats what I tell people when they ask if I would save a kitty kat from a tree since I am on the fire department.

My choice is a 12 gauge too. Since I hate cats. They can kill me. Can't breath.
Responded to a cat rescue in Shawnee Ok. many years ago. Halfway up the tree the cat bolted to the top. When I got near the cat, he jumped from the top of the tree about 50 ft. to the ground, at the same time down, the raccoon who had treed the cat up there for the last couple of days, jumped too from halfway up the tree. The homeowner, my boss, and myself all were laughing so hard, I don't know if we even charged for it. The raccoon ran into the woods one direction, the cat the wanted a free lunch, the other not to be lunch....I just wanted another beer.:cheers: :cheers: