Cat rescue

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I never found a dead cat in a tree but I did find a dead robin on the side of a tree one time. Pretty crazy, it had it's claws buried into the spar of the tree hanging on in death. Kind of freaked me out, I saw the bird as I was ascending and kept watching for it to fly off. Tripped me out when I climbed right up to it and found that it was just a husk with feathers. I also found a dead squirrel in a nest back in Nov. Scared the chit out of me. I was digging the nest out of a fork and latched on to the squirrel. I nearly jumped out of the tree. TG I was tied in. I told the kindly elderly woman I was working for about it. It appears she poisoned the squirrel, said she thought she must have got it because she hadn't seen it in awhile... LOL, kind of creepy, she seemed like the kindly grandmother/friend of the animals type.
Well, I resisted this, but I am always amazed at how many people rescue with a saw.
What a time killer, I apologize. I know there is one video out there where the "rescue" turns into a whole tree removal. Gotta find it.

A heat warming tale with good audio:

A whole lot of shaking going on:

Hmmmnnn, why did the cat go up to start with?

Fire up the Wild Thing Baby, we got nine lives of leeway: (What were they thinking?)

A testament to soft turf and whole body shock absorbtion:

Slow but sure (a little long)

How they do it "over there" (subtitles)

A reporter gets the story of the year.

Thankfully a supervising adult was on site.

Sweet video, no drama.

Cat with lungs!

Kenny takes one for the team,

"ya got-a-get em by the tail"
I've done about 6 cat rescues in my time as a tree guy.
I've always told the people I'll do it for a tip like charge.

The last one pissed all over me (I mean all over me) for 40 bucks.

Most of them have been repeat tree customer afterwards.
So yeah I would say it paid off.
I've done about 6 cat rescues in my time as a tree guy.
I've always told the people I'll do it for a tip like charge.

The last one pissed all over me (I mean all over me) for 40 bucks.

Most of them have been repeat tree customer afterwards.
So yeah I would say it paid off.

Yep! Thats a common occurrence I actually had one urinate into my mouth. It was gross. I asked the customer for something to rinse out my mouth and he gave me this tatty old hosepipe, and the water that came out of it actually tasted worse LOL. He did then offer me a soda though!
The solution to this has already been posted in another recent thread - Add A Pole! Proving once again that yes, it truely can do anything we can do- and better/safer too!

Seriously though, I rescued a cat once, I took the blade off my pole head advanced my rope slowly until I got up to it (talking softly to it), the thing gave me no problems. I've always been an animal person.

The old bag was all crying and giving the thing milk in the kitchen after, truely touching.
Did the cat thing once. Family, " please dad go up and get him down." Well he was about 90 ft up a fir, no limbs. I told them, aw,he will come down when he gets hungry. Well, after two days of yowling, I figured he would be tame enough to appreciate the ride down. On the spurs went. I think we hit about 120ft before he succumbed to the pillow case, of course then he pissed himself and me while in the sack. At least he became a ground dweller after that.
have you ever seen a dead cat in a tree?

Nope. They fall out and the racoons dispose of the remains in the night.

Do any of you guys offer cat rescue? I do just for fun,

As fun as it may be, the owners or other concerned parties just seem so upset after you taser one... :D

On a serious note...I'd much rather tree guys do this then fire guys. You have more experience and better equipment. Ground ladders aren't very stable, and you simply can't get into many trees with an aerial ladder due to the size of the truck and room it takes to setup. Ropes or buckets work much better.

At the firehouse we do have an animal catch pole like the animal control folks use. Plus heavy asbestos gloves :) A cat carrier and/or towel to wrap the little hellion in is always a good thing. Resist urge to throw said towel wrapped cat in the nearest body of water, again the concerned party who called you tends to frown on it.

I think my record over two decades is removing two cats in trees, and one cat who slid down behind an oil tank in the basement.
I can't believe this untill I see the pictures.

If you go to the other arborist site I've posted a couple times in the past year about finding a dead cat in a tree. If you're interested do a search for dead cat on that site. I'm not a member so I can't give you a link.
Most of the cat rescues I've done was in the dark.
People always seem to call me when I'm sitting down to a nice sack in my boxers.:computer:
People always seem to call me when I'm sitting down to a nice sack in my boxers

People always seem to call me when I'm sitting down to a nice snack in my boxers

Miss one letter...generate an entirely different mental picture...actually, once your mind goes into the gutter on that, there's no recovering...
Had 2 cat rescues, 1 in the dark after a thunder storm $100.00. 1 for a hard case lady and she gave me a smile. Both times I used welding gloves and a pillow case. They were both runners, up the to the top. Once caught I cinch the bag up and lower it down. The fun part is to get them in the bag. I always give the H/O an option of a .15 cent 20 ga. shell.
Lady calls Fire Dept. for cat in tree

I offer free cat rescue's in my area. Setup is simple.

Big shot + 16oz throwball

We had a Lady call the Fire dept. recently asking us to come and get a cat out of a tree. The chief told her we did not do cat rescues but she insisted that we get it down from the tree. One truck was rolled out to the address. When they arrived there were two PD officers already there. After about 10 minutes of thinking, the assistant chief and 1st captain got an idea. They took the breaker pole out of the truck and..... wait,let me back up some, this "breaker pole" as we refer to it, is a fiber glass pole that telescopes out to 30 feet and is used at house fires to trip the breaker on the transformers you see on utility lines. it has hook on it which we use to grab hold of the ring on the transformer to flip the breaker shutting down power to every building on that specific transformer. Similar to the breaker in your house.
As I was saying, they took the breaker pole off the truck and extended it out to its full length and tried using it to gently (and I use that word loosely) push the cat along the branch encouraging it to walk towards the main trunk where it would hopefully climb down on its own.

The pole however is just out of reach of the cat, so they park the truck under the tree and stand on top of the truck to gain more height, which worked... kinda. They get the cat to walk along the branch until it is almost out of reach again unless they drive the truck onto the lawn, which happens to be right where the water meter is. Not a good idea, drive forward... crush water line... piss off home owner. Hmmmmm... Cue the light bulb.
The captain decides that enough is enough and thrusts the pole upward in an attempt to push the cat hoping to scare him, causing him to run towards the main trunk. That worked about as good as driving blind folded on a 4 lane high way. The cat lost its balance from the push, which for the record was more like a shove, and fell from 30 plus feet up, unbelievably landing on its feet and took off running.

It was later found out the cat suffered no injuries from the fall and was returned to its owner, who was not the lady that called it in.