Caught a would be thief in action

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I keep a camera on both my home and cabin driveways. It’s amazing how many “turnarounds” I get each month even though I’m pretty rural.

I’m considering doing a WiFi camera at home and a second game camera overlooking the door at the cabin.
if he come back be ware he might com back when your not home
thats what some one did to me
and steeled a truck load of wood

I have a 6 camera security camera system that covers my whole place. If anyone steps foot I will know it. No, a camera system will not stop a thief, but it may give me clues to who they are, what there driving, what they look like, time of day.
My property is very well marked with signs warning would be thief's it would be better to pick another place to steel from. Besides I'm here most of the time and my brother lives next door so someone is almost always here.
if you catch some one steeling can you shoot their ass with rubber buck shot
should sting like the fire of hell
wont killem
dumb fucken ******** that steels should have their pants pulled down and have their ass paddled 50 times every day
than maby thay would be good
if thay dont agree press charges
What they deserve and what a fellow citizen is allowed to do about it are two different things.

I’m not going to risk jail time over someone stealing wood.
What they deserve and what a fellow citizen is allowed to do about it are two different things.

I’m not going to risk jail time over someone stealing wood.
i think jail is not free any more
Even a legal shoot is a costly one. By the time you hire a lawyer and go through the legal system it's gonna cost you a minimum of 10K and that's for a legal shot, like defending your life in you own home.
Even a legal shoot is a costly one. By the time you hire a lawyer and go through the legal system it's gonna cost you a minimum of 10K and that's for a legal shot, like defending your life in you own home.
Also depends on your local LEO and often the race of the perp. That young man in Texas who killed 4 robbers in his home wasn’t charged. If that happened in a less gun friendly state or BLM gets ahold of it, look out.

Over here, if you caught a bloke pinching your stuff and gave him a good woopin', he'd generally think that's fair enough and not sue you. Since we're not allowed to have guns, you can't shoot him in the balls even if you wanted to.

Unfortunately over here, hurting a man’s self esteem is no longer a viable solution. If you best someone in a honest fist fight he’ll probably come back and shoot you.
If you aren’t stealing from people there’s no need to be offended regardless.

What is older? 55 plus? Who cares.
55 that's a mere boy I didn't start stealing firewood till I was 75 & Iv'e been at it 6 years:blob2::blob2:Trouble is the damn wood belongs to me & Iv'e just only just realised
55 that's a mere boy I didn't start stealing firewood till I was 75 & Iv'e been at it 6 years:blob2::blob2:Trouble is the damn wood belongs to me & Iv'e just only just realised
get caught thay will put you in solitary confiment for 25 years