i think of spars as transferring shock; perhaps spreading it out over larger area for less 'psi'. Anything springy that gives as shock absorbing; which would be dense piles of brush, foam(lighter stuff?), tires etc. Sometimes climb tree and carefully undercut large leading branch that will hit first, so now it will fold at so much force(like large leaf spring), to absorb that force; rather than be stiff and dig in.
Also, if you can guess/ calculate it right; something i call a mechanical fuse. i take 2 spars and lay pairalllell with the fall, then trestle another spar perpendicularly across. Then undercut that spar, sometimes make a small face in the top side. The idea is to get it to break, but to take a bunch of force to do so. If it takes 1000# to break that spar, that is 1000# not transferred to ground; but matched and 'dissipated' from the force formulae.
All these strategies should be applied at where the tree will hit first, perhaps in combination(s); and sometimes at the butt. Like 3' high stacks of dense brush to slow tree down, then hit spars to spread out remainging force etc.
Then, work on reducing the initial input force. Give a wide face, with no dutch, to give as long a ride on the hinge as possible/ with as little freefall as possible. Don't fall directly into the lean, where the tree has the most force and can fall more 'pointed' on leading edge of lean. Use tapered hinge and fall slightly to the side of the lean that would have less force and perhaps land on a 'flatter' face; with lean 'point' out to side.
Use a strong pull on line, but into the face, let the tapered hinge fight the lean. The hinge is a reflection of the force on it when it first folds; increase force on hinge with line, to make beefier/ stronger hinge. Favor pulling into the gunned face squarely (in good wood)to force strong hinge, then let hinge fight lean. Pulling against lean takes that much lean force off of hinge, rather than strengthening hinge. We want the hinge to fight the force like a large 'leaf spring'; so don't unload that with pull ine angle to adjust lean.
Don't pull/push or cut after after first folding; unless tree would stop folding otherwise; whereby first folding becomes an extended event, and you are 'arm wrestling tree'; muscling it down(softest fall of all). You want a strong hinge, then not weaken it with further cutting or pulling; that is a strong point of wedging, as tree lifts, wedge stops pushing! So, pulls/wedge pushes before first folding, just set up forces for first folding moment(s) to force stronger hinge. Pulls/pushes at first folding, fake the hinge out, to 'think' it has a heavier load on it, so hinge is forced stronger in response. Then, remove your artificial load of line pull; for pulls/pushes (and cuts) after when the tree will fall on own, take the same hinge mechanics/ strenghts and make it faster/weaker; rather than stronger/slower.
Especially on shallow leans; that force their own hinge weaker (because less pressure on hinge) and have farther to fall. Also, the the increase in loading in first few degrees of movemeant is much more radical on a shallow lean; worsening that problem of increased loading and suddenness of loading after first folding moment. In the 90 degree sweep from 12 o'clock vertical to 3 o'clock horizontal; 90 degrees/ 3o'clock is the most leveraged; but the increase in loading is tons more just off of vertical/12 o'clock. So much so that 50% of the maximum leverage at 90 degrees/ 3 o'clock is achieved 1/3 the way at 30 degrees/ 1 o'clock. So, shallow leans (less than 10 degrees gies hinge of 17% of potential leverage and at 30 degrees ahs 50% on it or a jump of 30+%) force a weaker hinge, but get the most intense, impacting change in loading after forming their weaker hinge, and have the furthest travel to go on that weaker hinge in falling. Conversely in tree, a near horizontal limb hinged has lots of force on it; but also forces the strongest hinge on own; and sees less change of force against that hinge strength set.
In using this
Leverage of Lean Guide; the height/angle would be calculated from Center of Gravity to the compressed part of hinge(pivot).
Or, something like that