central arizona 5000 ft elevation trees dying

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New Member
Jan 11, 2023
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las vegas
update: ok,, i obviously have boreworms. what is the best spray to protect my few remaining trees? also,, does anyone know about the scale? is malathion the best treatment?

all of my trees up near my house, a nice pine and other not identifiable to me trees are dying from what i think are bore worms? can anyone tell,,

i have sprayed them with malathion (which i was using on the pinion pines for THE SCALE) and something else from home depot which said it was good for bore worms. we do have something called "the scale" there but i think it is something else. any help or advice, thanks

was also wondering if anyone knew what the tree with the green leaves was in the video? it gets those green leaves in the spring but looks dead the rest of the time. the deer like to eat it so i thought i would keep it if i can save it.

also the tree that is barely visible to the right of the tractor,, it is a pine of some kind but has very smooth bark and the "bugs" dont seem to bother it. anyone know what kind of pine it is?

the other tree is still very much alive but is just starting to get some fresh holes,, is this a worm,, i have NEVER, EVER, heard or seen a wood pecker. are they nocturnal?



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