Chain Saw file accident

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ArboristSite Member
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
Columbia SC
Talk about fricky.... was starting to sharpen my saw and noticed the file was lose in the wooden handle. So I take the file guide off the file and turn the file upside down with handle in hand was going to hit the file on the the pickup tail gate and did.

The problem started when the file droped out of the handle and inbeded itself in the plam of my hand for 2 1/4". :D

Talk about dumb. Went to the em. clinic and the doc. say's wait just a minute, I got to get a special tool. Walks back in the room with a pair of plirs. Shots my hand with some numming agent and we start pulling. 2 1/4 inchs later its out. Very, very little blood. Just one very deep punture wound.

Be careful out there

Can-Do-It :D
I bet right about NOW it's really starting to HURT!

I 'bout did the same once... YIKES!!!:blob2:

It really sux when we hurt ourselves... I hate that! :eek:
Geeeeeeeee's Give it until tommorrow.I bet you wont be Filing Sawing or Well for that matter doing much of anything with that hand......:eek:
It's not been bothing me much since it happened about 11:00 am this morning. A couple Tylenol and some antibiotics has been it.

Got a 60' spur to take down tomorrow. Maybe the next day depending, on how the hand works in the morning. Got to make hay when you can. Winter is geting close.

Jim B.