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Tree Freak
Apr 22, 2001
Reaction score
Loretto/Manton Ky.
What is with this rash of chain cleaning/polishing/lubing threads?
Has this forum deterioirated into a bunch of anal/chain polishing puthies?
Unless you are selling them on e-bay, why even bother? I am sure
many will come on referring to the friction coefficients impacting cut times,
and so on, but for the most of us, is that really a valid discussion topic, or are
we just that desperate?
Idunno Fish, I think it's just a flood of newbies asking dumb chit because they can't think of anything worthwhile to discuss.

Although that's never stopped the rest of us... :laugh:

( <--- It's me, Rocky)
Fish said:
What is with this rash of chain cleaning/polishing/lubing threads?
Has this forum deterioirated into a bunch of anal/chain polishing puthies?
Unless you are selling them on e-bay, why even bother? I am sure
many will come on referring to the friction coefficients impacting cut times,
and so on, but for the most of us, is that really a valid discussion topic, or are
we just that desperate?

Fish??? not another chain cleaning post...give it a break...maybe go outside and clean some chains with purple stuff:blob2:
skwerl said:
Idunno Fish, I think it's just a flood of newbies asking dumb chit because they can't think of anything worthwhile to discuss.

Although that's never stopped the rest of us... :laugh:

( <--- It's me, Rocky)

you putz

then why did you say you oil them after they hang on a nail after a few months? chains should be on a saw and filed then tossed or new on the roll. why in world would you have chains on a nail for a few months?
Up yours, putz. Go back and read what I said. I said "IF you have a chain hanging on a nail for a few months..." You should know by now that I only use one chain at a time and I don't save used chains.
skwerl said:
Up yours, putz. Go back and read what I said. I said "IF you have a chain hanging on a nail for a few months..." You should know by now that I only use one chain at a time and I don't save used chains.

ha ha ha "IF" thats like saying my "friend" has this problem........
Ken, tell 'your friend' that any General Practitioner can prescribe the appropriate antibiotics for your (oops, I mean his) 'problem'. ;)
skwerl said:
Ken, tell 'your friend' that any General Practitioner can prescribe the appropriate antibiotics for your (oops, I mean his) 'problem'. ;)

thanks buddy, but i prefer to get my drugs on the street.
:D :D
I can't believe it, everybody is so sick of the fighting they are actually staging mock battles in order to spice things up. lol
skwerl said:
Hey Ken- next time your old lady tells you not to clean your chainsaw in the house, there are more desirable options than setting the house on fire. Really, you gotta cut back on the drugs buddy.

it really is a shame what this place has become, everyone is just looking for a fight. it must be the cabin fever thing and it's only dec 27th. skwerl man your in flori-dah so what is your excuse? i see your year in prison did nothing for you, except.............well thats another story.

the lame little skwerl even sent me a pm to make sure i saw his lame little attempt at an insult. tsk tsk is that all you got? i see prison taught you nothing. sorry i spilt the beans about your little stay in the state pen, but i just thought people should know who their dealing with.

skwerl said:
Have you seen Fish's "chain" thread tonight? I left a note for you there

so what else do you have you little rat with a tail?:laugh: :D :laugh:
Ken, Idunno what happened. I was over at my girlfriend's cleaning my saws on the dining room table, then WHAM!!! I must have blacked out, woke up 3 weeks later.
kf_tree said:
i see your year in prison did nothing for you, except.............well thats another story.
i see prison taught you nothing. sorry i spilt the beans about your little stay in the state pen, but i just thought people should know who their dealing with.

Like a wise man once said, a man that has never been to jail, or had never
had sex with a fat chick, cannot be trusted...........................
Jokers stop trusting me now.
