My Husqvarna 61, bought new September 1986.
This the saw? Crescent 06
This the saw? Crescent 06
Here is one you won`t see often. Pioneerguy600
Yes Crescent made these for Huskvarna and were sold as the model 70, 70E AND 70 F. Made between 1963 and 64 they have a 70 cc engine, Crescent was an outboard motor manufacturer that made these saws for a short run but they never caught on and were discontinued making them rare and seldom seen in North America. Pioneerguy600
A 70E sold last week on eBay UK for £35 ($70 US), I wish I'd bought it now!
my 066magnum and my little 026. bit dirty but wont be for long
This big old Homelite would be a back breaker today but back in 1962 it would fit right in with the rest of the magnesium monsters, 92.5 cc engine, this one works like new and I cut wood with it often. Pioneerguy600
Hey Jerry.
Looks like that saw was built when Steel was Cheap. I still run my Dad's Snowmobile that he bought new in 1969. It's a 1970 Ski Doo Nordic, and I always said, before you go Snowmobiling with this machine, you want to make sure you eat your Wheaties, because if you get that thing stuck, you'd need them. Because that Machine was built when Steel was Cheap. Bruce.
They sure used a lot of metal in those old saws, this one has cut a lot of firewood in its lifetime but still has excellent compression and runs and cuts better than a lot of the newer saws that I work on.
Jerry.Bruce; He has been out a few times cutting up some windfalls but the heat and humidity have been limiting him to working mostly early morning. He has about two cord blocked up in the woods and will bring it out this fall with his brothers ATV to the roadside, from there some of us will get it home for him. He really likes the new saw as it is a lot lighter and reliable and he can cut with it without tiring him out quickly. The old Poulan 3400 he had has seen better days, just basically worn out,low comp,needs carb kit ,air filter bar and chain and clutch plus clutch cover broke around studs etc.
Nothing but a wide smile on his face when I stopped in and handed the saw over,he was flabbergasted,made my trip more than worth it ,a couple of shots of Jack and a few old reminisces from days gone by mixed with the new goings on and the day was complete. Between us we made up a great seafood chowder along with fresh baked bread and had more than a belly full.
I'm on the same Base as you are there Jerry. I was raised with the same Principales as yourself. But Today's Generation, well that a Whole Different Story. Nowadays, it's damn hard to get them to do anything, But when they want something, That's a Whole Different Ball Game. BruceBruce I don`t do things for recognition or praise but I believe in the old adage that what goes around comes around and have based my lifestyle around it. My background growing up in the country around the farms where every one helped the other out whenever they could has stuck with me I guess.