Scroll to the top, look at the ads ... lots of OEM Walbro carbs, including desirable discontinued ones.
I don’t disagree. I mean it depends on what the item is to.That's funny, once you made the trip to see the item I figure the negotiating is over. You can walk away if you have to, but if you wanted it for less, you should have asked me before we agreed to meet - I may not be interested in your offer and wouldn't waste either of our time. I use words and photographs in the listing to give a representative description, including the known flaws. Different philosophy I guess.
EBay , not exactly sure if it was this guy , but he has a ton of oem Stihl parts for sale , and is good to deal with, did you get you OEM carb? No Stihl dealers close to me. I just got a Hipa for mine. Haven't put it in yet. If that is a bust, I'll go back to OEM.
I would be quite unhappy if I and a buyer agreed on a price, I took the time to show up with the item and the buyer then showed and tried to dicker over it. I would get back in the truck and go home.I hear you. Last boat I sold the guy showed up $400 short on the agreed price. I ended up keeping the downriggers and selling them separately to get my price.
I never make an offer through messaging or over the phone unless I know with out a doubt that I want whatever it is no matter what condition of something I may find in person, which is rare.When you are selling an item for $2600. You and the buyer agree on $2200. Then he shows up with $1500. You then tell him to have a nice day. When I bought my last saw I made an offer on it. The guy said it was too low. I made another offer and he accepted it. I'm fine with that. I don't show up and drop my offer if there is nothing wrong with the item that I am buying. I have had way too many people try to pull that on me.
Meh, I see selling online similar to the pawn shop experience and expect people to haggle. Heck, even ebay has an "offer now" or whatever button. I usually research the item I'm listing to get an average price and land somewhere around there and allow for a little room to come down (this mostly just sets my expectations.) The first day I'm probably not as willing to go as low as I might after a week. Stuff I just want gone gets listed lower than the going rate. A lot depends on the item too, as mentioned by several others. But I certainly don't get mad over *reasonable* offers.I hate when people offer lower prices on stuff I have up. Either you want it or you don’t…..