Chainsaw Sub forums

Arborist Forum

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Do We need Sub Forums?

  • yes

    Votes: 22 61.1%
  • no

    Votes: 14 38.9%

  • Total voters


Arboristsite MVP
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Supernatural Beautiful British Columbia
Arboristsite is growing rapidly, and along with it, the Chainsaw Forum.....Are we in need of sub forums....such as maybe "General Forum" and "Technical Forum", and possibly a "modified/race forum"???

What do you guys think?

I realize there are alot of the same questions being asked...such as "what saw...? What mix...?" etc...As I mentioned in the other thread, we are always going to have these type questions as long as we are getting new members, which is the goal here. We can answer these questions repeatedly, or offer the search function...either way, we, as a group, need to remember that these people are just looking for some answers and dont know that the particular question has been asked 87 times in the last month...

I personally dont care what people use to tighten their fuel caps ...but there are people that do care, and that is why they are talking about it....that is why we have the option of not reading the thread.

I personally try to read all threads in their entirety, even the ones that dont interest me...just because that is my job...and I never know where Lambert will show up trying to hack on

Lets get some feedback on this sub issue forums boys...and girls :) (che)
Denis, thanks, I think you stated this importaint point well.

I think It would be a good idea to have sub groups, That way the guy bying his first saw doesnt get trounced by the Stihl vs Husky debated concerning modified chain saws.

Being involved in groups or club like organizations it is imortaint that all levels of interest are given opportunity to benifit and participate.


I have to agree with both of you.

It would also be good to have a strictly Husky fanatic and Stihl fanatic sub-forum in each case they can cheer their own brands on and tell their own wives tales amongst themselves without irrating every body else on the forum who are not really interested or tired of hearing it.

THANK YOU FOR ASKING !!! :cool: :blob2:
I think its a good idea but keep it to two forums. I dont want to be jumping all over between 3-4 areas. This is chainsaws we are talking about, not automobiles

A general and a modified section should be plenty
I have to agree with Huskyman on this one I think all we really need is to sub forums General and one for the mods,but whatever the decision we definetly need to have some sub forums on the board..

Later Rob...
I guess I would agree with limitations. I think if you start breaking down into too many subgroups it would get too complicated and scattered. BUT...that could be another poll. ;-)

I used to frequent a different forum...but they changed formats and it didn't 'flow' anymore, so I don't visit much anymore. It was a tool forum of sorts, construction folks of all kinds....they had their site divided into different topic subgroups where they'd all talk 'shop'...very interesting...great images of houses from the ground up, specifics about hand and power tools...even some chainsaws. What I liked the most though was 'The Tavern' had a 'disclaimer' of sorts at the beginning....something about "IF YOU NEED TO ASK, YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE"...the same rules applied as far as no nudity (I'm not sure if all the butt shots here would count), extreme profanity, etc....but they were a bit more lax....if you came into that site you really had no basis to cry 'foul' ....I don't believe it was quite as 'politically correct' as the main forums, seemed to be really well self regulated. There was a common bond in their professional interests but the discussions weren't necessarily about them. I know we have the 'off topic' forum (where else could I share my knowledge of chiggers?) but it seems to be more of a 'one liner' type of place....there seems to be a need for somewhere to simply bs. It would be nice to have a place for normal friendly headbutting, nonsense threads, other topics of interest, etc. that wasn't cutting in on the actual CHAINSAW forum. The archives for this subforum wouldn't have to be 'searchable' so they could be set at a specific amount of space.

Just a thought.....

I'm sort of an oddball, I guess. I don't care much if the forum is divided up or not, don't care a whole lot if we talk about mix ratios every few weeks, or not. I don't even mind if threads get off-topic...I look at any thread that has more than a few responses, even if it doesn't really interest me because maybe Gypo/Doug/Tundra/Rotax/Dennis, or one of the other colorful characters has hijacked it.

I was signed on this forum before some of those above, but didn't spend lots of time here because it wasn't as exciting. Now I look almost every day, because it is a "place" where almost every aspect of my personality can find a home.

What would it say about the place if AS began a "coffee table" or "Beer Hall" forum just for gab...and the other ones dried up?
I agree with eyolf, for the same reasons. If it should be divided, let it be no more than two sub-forums. I don't want to have to jump around to 3 or 4. I like it all in one place.
It probably doesn't matter...

as I usually check all of the arboristsite by doing a new posts search everytime I visit and then browse the ones that catch my eye or that I have been following. I don't think subforums are going to insulate users from the barrage of the "same old stuff". You have to figure that most of the people that either can't or won't search past threads (if JPS hasn't deleted them,only kidding;) ) will post their which saw question anywhere they feel like and sometimes in every "subforum" because they are lazy or impatient for an answer. Maybe there could be a John & Doug subforum? :p
Thanks Stihltech, I have more to say on the matter of subforms, but I will post that over there where it belongs.

Sounds like much as I suspected that if there was any gain to be had it would be small. What about heat range of the plug, is there beter that can be had. I mean beter or worse than what comes screwed into the top of the head?

Got myself confused

I had ment to post the spark plug stuff in the spark plug thread but posted it here. I guess these threads have become crossed.

This itself undescores the need for everyone to use the appropriate places for their posts and replys. and maybe the need for a technical and general area.

I am not sure if people are unaware or lazzy when it comes to the powerful search feature, it might be an idea to add to the posting guidelines to "SEARCH FIRST" before posting a new thread, quite likely the question has been asked before and the awnser is just a click or two away.

Hope i'm posting in the right thread this time.

You already have other forums

A general forum, for professionals, equipment for sale etc....

We can answer these questions repeatedly, or offer the search function...either way, we, as a group, need to remember that these people are just looking for some answers and dont know that the particular question has been asked 87 times in the last month...

I think the best thing you could do is move the search command on the front page to the top of the page and maybe have a permanent forum on top on how to post, use vb codes ... use the search, suggested word searches etc.

I never knew you could search the site until some one showed me how easy it is to do a search and find a forum topic.

No matter how many sub sites you put they will be posted out of place for many reasons, mostly cause people don't know any better.

As far as the Stihl Husky forum, part of the reason people log on this site is to argue with the other guy, hopefully in a constructive way. "My saw is bigger better than your saw" Look at how many people get involved in opposing point of views on this site.

No one forces a person to belong to this site and you don't have to read a posting if you don't want to. Why do you guys try to segregate the conversations when most of us here don't follow the rules 100% ?

I appreciate the site ... please make it simple not complicated.
The operators/moderators of this site are very generous.

If you want to see a segregated / commercialized site that used to be just like this one 7 years ago check out It is a site about bicycles but the system operators decided to make more money and segregate conversations and now it is HUGE. I am sure the operators are making money but most of the old timers went to another site or only post on a general subject forum since all the people they respect for an answer is on the general forum site. The site really fell apart when they starting to charge fees.

Don't you guys already have a new prototype site already setup?
I stumbled into it (I think) the other day.
Well said Don.
Let's remember that it is the constant flow of new members that make this site so great. Sure, it's hard to view FAQ threads but, that's how most of us got started here. Is it possible to include a header on the chainsaw forum for FAQ's? Not just the "nuts and bolts" of how things work as presented in the General header. "We" could list such topics in the chainsaw FAQ as "Stihl vs Husky", "Which mix", and "Looking for a new saw" above the Chainsaw forum. This would be an easy hit for the newbies (sorry Newbie). If this FAQ was the first thing new members saw...maybe they would go there first and then dig deeper into the twisted bevy of knowledge assembled here. Maybe even a "Go here first" link to get their feet wet.
All I know is that I don't have a lot to contribute, usually ,but... I read almost every thread, every day (chainsaw, that is) and there is a reason for that. I enjoy the company and the information. Thank You Darin! Greff, what ever you think is cool w/me:)
yep forums. one for general users ,mechanics ,collectors. one for sports competition ,power tuning etc. im thinking loggers and arborist, are really a little different than either of these groups. but they could post in either.although i think they[and their mechanics] probably know more about pro stock saws than anyone else.
what we are really talkin ,is a broad spectrum of interest and knowlege.
from first saw owner, to those that saws are their lifes work.
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As a new member I was thrilled to see so many reply and shead some light my saw's lean seizure I'm glad I saw the Chainsaw thread.

Being a member of other forum's for other things, I know it's very handy to have a further breakdown of a main topic. So I think your idea is great.

Just my two cents...keep up the great work!
If you want to find out whether a new forum or subgroup will work, just create it and in a few months you'll have your answer. It's really no big deal to create a new category, but what it (they) should be titled is the big question. I visit just about all the forums on AS from time to time. It really doen't matter to me if more are created or not, unless of course a Psychopath chainsaw subgroup was created which would pretty much keep my a$$holery off all the others. This factor alone might be a good reason to create one.