All outdoor power equipment that relies on Gasoline will be prohibited in a year or so. The law has some exceptions. I am planning on buying four more new saws this year in anticipation. I have talked with several fire departments and they told me they have no idea what will happen. At the present time fire fighting will be a big deal with out equipment to do what is needed. Thanks
I'm going to provide this info for those who need it. I'd rather this not devolve into a political discussion. Those of us who live in California already know about our state's issues.
Here's the most applicable text of the law:
The whole thing is here:
(a) (1) By July 1, 2022, the state board shall, consistent with federal law, adopt cost-effective and technologically feasible regulations to prohibit engine exhaust and evaporative emissions from new small off-road engines, as defined by the state board. Those regulations shall apply to engines produced on or after January 1, 2024, or as soon as the state board determines is feasible, whichever is later.
(2) In determining technological feasibility pursuant to paragraph (1), the state board shall consider all of the following:
(A) Emissions from small off-road engines in the state.
(B) Expected timelines for zero-emission small off-road equipment development.
(C) Increased demand for electricity from added charging requirements for more zero-emission small off-road equipment.
(D) Use cases of both commercial and residential lawn and garden users.
(E) Expected availability of zero-emission generators and emergency response equipment.
(b) Consistent with the regulations adopted pursuant to this section and relevant state law, the state board shall identify, and, to the extent feasible, make available, funding for commercial rebates or similar incentive funding as part of any updates to existing, applicable funding program guidelines for districts to implement to support the transition to zero-emission small off-road equipment operations.
We'll find out more when CARB releases the regs later this year. My understanding from people who have talked to the office of the legislator who authored the bill is that they may exempt saws over 45cc since there are no battery saws in that size class. Also that whole home generators over 25hp would be exempt as SOREs are by definition under 25hp. We'll see when the regs are issued. There should be a comment period and we should all comment.
If CARB's regs follow the law without any exceptions for availability or concern for costs, it'll be tough on a lot of people. Not only wildland fire fighters and professional and amateurs doing fuels reduction, but also folks living in areas with frequent power outages (which is a lot of the state). It can cost well over $20k to install a > 25hp whole home generator and meet all the requirements. A lot of folks can't afford that but can afford a portable generator.
I also expect there will be a LOT of engines manufactured in December 2023 or whenever the cutoff ends up being.
Again, please save the political rants for another thread. We already know, thanks.