The worst part of it is that the forgery doesn't just include saws but literally any item that is considered a premium brand. Having been over there many times I've seen it all, there are several levels of quality in their fakes, some are done cheaply, others take some degree of inspection to determine they are fake. They are priced according to the quality of the fake. Hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars of goods are counterfeited each year, US customs does a pizz poor job of catching them. Look for it to only get worse, sad part is once they figure out they can move a reasonable volume, they will improve they quality to a point where it will be even more difficult for the average joe to figure them out. I've bought excellent copies of name brand watches to give as gifts for around 150-200 dollars apiece that a small town jeweler prolly wouldn't know it's a fake, compared to the 15 dollars copies sold on the street. The same will happen with saws in time.