chasing Charlie

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All this talk is makin me antsy. I doupt my wife who is 6 months preggers will let me come out there and play with ya all. I think I will just stay here and link up with Stumper and Rocky and play in my own back yard.


Almost like a magnet for the blow. I'm wondering where the money's going to come from?

Kind of like jobs in America. If they aren't where you live, move.
Originally posted by oakwilt
I'm wondering where the money's going to come from?
If the admins and politicos do their job, FEMA will go anywhere. YOu're right tho about big cities being better connected, the reason for the sad urbanization of America.

We're getting the edge of the first outer band now, raining harder and trees starting to dance a little. With the eastward shift in the track, it looks like we won't get much damage if any, knock on xylem (not knock down xylem).
any news boys ?? is there much tree damage???....all the news reports overhere seem a bit sketchy..BE CAREFULL GUYS WHO ARE ON THE CASE!!!
Charlie hit the NC coast today about noon. Lots of trees down on the coast but not far inland. I was on the beach as the eye of the storm passed. 87 mile an hour wind gust was reported. The storm surge was about 5 feet. Here are some pictures of the ocean when the storm hit.
The storm is gone north ,we had a lot rain in my area and the wind was not to bad. We had a couple of funnel cloulds and the stongest gust was 53mph .Would like to go to florida and help out,it looks like it did way more damage what andrew did in 92. hopefully earl will stay away.
i just past Home Depot; had to slow down for a caravan; 3 police cruisers fully lit escorting 2 pickup trucks loaded to the hilt with generators!

Quite a sign of the times, eventually they allowed us to pass, and were not interested in getting anywere quick (plus i don't think the high stacks where tied down very well!!); just getting there undisturbed it seems!
Should I think about heading down to Florida with the stump grinder??

I'd have to send a friend to sell and grind unless there was serious money as I've got some back log of customers wanting regular treework right here...
Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
I almost feel guilty leaving town on them but not too guilty. :D

Storm work sucks. Sure it can be good for a few bills, but who wants to work in that crappy weather dealing with all the BS that goes with it?
I didn't get down to VA for three weeks after Isabel hit... worked for 8 weeks straight... Didn'tt see one tree on a house by the time I got there... just grinding stumps though... i think I did trees for 1 out of 150ish customers.... There is a little lag time in grinding stumps post-stormage
i don't see an exhorbinant amount of stumps around, at least not yet!

Also, grinding is rather competitive around here normally. i'm supposed to go more towards the edge of the county today; will keep that in mind Daniel.
I heard Orlando got hit pretty hard....
Got a friend who has a friend down there that wants to start a stump grinding gig.... I may fly down to see and train him in sales, while Bill starts driving the machine down...
Mennonite Disaster Relief out of Lancaster County was just on the news. They are putting together a crew specifically for tree cleanup and stump grinding.
i must have put in a dozen of these 1 man temporary supports, a few on small trees we've righted etc. Hold things till we got there, or while worked. One job we didn't want but braced anyway, buddy went back and got line okay etc. The carabiner is $5, so if you can get any rescue pulleys out, line is only worry. Holding any real tension for a few days is an immediate downgrade to below premium rigging line level i think.

i have tried the 2/1 style of the support, with bowline eye where carabiner is, a DBY with tail extended to blake's friction hitch instead of seprately. Ended up having to cut some lines,a s hitches can sieze placed and held with such tension.
Alright I hear the storm chasers have moved in... a good sign tat there will be some stumps to grind in their wake....

I have a friend of a friend in Sarasot and another friend who has a friend that just bought a house in Port Charolette, that we could probably rent...

Spidy says his area between Tampa and Orlando isn't that bad, which means the storm didn't cut a very wide path.... I Am thinkning about flying in for a day or two this weekend to survey the situation and start selling... Any ideas about local papers for ads etc... would be most appreciated...
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I'd wait another week at least before coming in with a stump grinder. The hardest hit areas between Punta Gorda and Orlando are still in an emergency phase. No power, no essential goods and services. Cleanup consists of simply removing trees from homes and piling the debris in any available open space. If you do come down, be prepared to be totally self-contained, meaning you must have your own supply of food, water, fuel, clothing, etc. These things are simply not readily available. Power will be out in some areas for another week or so. Traffic is horrendous, due to lights being out and debris in the roads. Its a war zone, be prepared.
People who chase storms uninvited suck a$$.

Just got off the phone with a customer of mine who just got back from his week in Orlando.

Law enforcement has had to go around checking out the tree co's for legitimacy 'cuz of so many reports of gouging.
yep chunkin in jail right and left here scammin price gouging i didnt know till i read the paper today it is a felony when it is a state of emergency to do that. sure glad cause some of this stuff is ridiculous 12 guys from texas sitting in jail right now for charging a little old lady 5 grand per tree

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