Ultimately all these economic changes and opportunities are based on how people decide to spend their money. If no one will buy and XYZ widgit from a particular place..they stop selling because the economics don't make sence.
Problem is here in the USA especially in the North East the cost of living is so high that price eventually rules the decision......thats how Walmart wins. Chinese $ Indian built products will do well because they can build to ANY quality level they feel like at a fraction of the cost. A few stubborn folks with the money to back up their convictions can't offset the wave of the rest who have to buy based on what they can afford.
Things to watch...
Personal Computers already are primarily built in South Easy Asia...China will provide more and more of the components.
Small motorcycles will eventually go Chinese funding the development for higher quality and more sophisticated models...Honda and the rest already are dealing with the enormous quantities of clones from China.
Harbor Freight does a good business with tools and hardware....at the expense of the old time cost leader Craftsman.
Textiles...already gone.
I saw nice little Farm tractors for 2/3's the price of the next lowest cost competitor already. Some were in the 60HP range. John Deere will be impacted by this...and their Japanese suppliers who build the low end tractors. Same with New Holland.
Cars??? GM & Ford already feel the pinch from Japanese & Korean...That same Brickland fellow who brough us Subaru's and Yugo's is in the process of setting up a Chinese connection.....
Electronics, Transportation, Hardware.....Farming tools...pretty soon we are a nation of sales people, polititians, and lawyers. Where is our value add??? How do we earn a buck?