Chinese stihl copies? NOT

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After reading that article you gotta say "Good Luck" to any worker who tries to compete with the Chinese for his labor.

The consumer and the big boys make out like bandits, but the working man....good luck!

I still want to know how much this Chinese saw is selling for. You can get a consumer 50cc Husky or Stihl for $300. You'd think it would have to bet that price by quite a bit unless the seller is trying to pimp it off as competitive to a Stihl or Husky.
Did a little online search and found these additional mechanical details about this gem:


Chain Saw (GL5200M)
_ _
_Category: _Machinery> Cutting & Fold-bend Machine
_HS Code: _84678100
_Trademark: _Goodluck
_Model: _GL5200M
_Standard: _
_Productivity: _100000Pcs/Year
_List Price: _
_Company: Wenzhou City Goodluck Mechanical Co., Ltd.

Product Description
1)Goodluck-built premium 2-cycle engine
2)High-torque engine
3)Magnesium alloy case
4)Chrome-plated cylinder
5)2-ring piston design
6)Externally-adjustable, boot-mounted Walbro WT carb
7)1-piece electronic ignition
8)Oregon or Carlton saw chain. They all meet the ANSI low-kickback requirement.
9)Fully adjustable, automatic chain oiling pump
10)3-shoe centrifugal clutch
11)7-point anti-vibration system
12)Anti-kickback chain brake
13)Rim-type sprocket
14)Easy access air filter
15)4-bolt muffler
16)Aluminum alloy front handle bar
17)Hand guard
18)Chain catcher
19)Self- recoiled starting housing
20)Glass forced PA6 package
I would never under estimate what the Chinese can build. During the ninties they came over here and bought everything related to manufacturing technology they could find...with our blessings. Soon after the new administration came into power (Clinton's) they took the meat of the power of who decides what is sensitive technology and what technology can be exported to what countries away from the Pentagon and into the State Department....good business. Opened the flood gates to all those little guys who were having a tough time here to sell their wears here ...good right? AND it helped the Admin at the time to cosy up to China..also good for world politics..(It didn't entirely start with Clinton's Admin...)

Well some DARPA (ARPA..LOL cause they blended the DARPA and NIST to creat ARPA then as well! More efficient and allowed more control over the results from those folks) funded projects that normally would have died on the vine once their project came to completion based on the old rules now had a whole new life and customer base..Our tax funded advanced research flew out the door for pennys on the dollars from around 1993 until the late ninties. Our commercially available CAD/CAM/CAE stuff as well as lots of other bleeding edge Software projects went as well...some companies having a tough time in the shrinking dollar value of CAD/CAM, sensing a short term killing; sold SOURCE code to both Indian companies like Godredge & Boyce( Nice folks too..A type writer company fronting for a HUGE software house) and the Chinese Central Industrial Complex in kidding. All perfectly legal and actually ENCOURAGED to spur the economy!!!

Bottom line is this:

1) There are a lot of very smart people in China & India.
2) What defines the possibilty of having a new concept to be reality is the ability to MAKE it!
3) Manufacturing technology enables advanced technology and concepts to go from idea to reality.
4) As of the Ninites China has the same level of Software to design, model and analyse idea's we have here.
5) And as of the Ninties China has the same level of Manufacturing technology as we do to make those new ideas ..or rehash old ones.

I figured from around 1995 it would take 10-15 years for the technology transfered to be integrated into their economic system to the point where our economy to feel the impact of that fundemental change in the balance of technology.

I hear some saying thats to optimistic.

Good news is lots of neat stuff will be available for really cheap.
The bad news is now its going to even tougher from American companies with American labor to compete dollar for dollar.

Almost as if it was planned that way. There is a theory that some in the political world would seed problems so they can solve them in the future to enhance their political lot in life. Lets see who (if any one) brings this issue in the form of USA & the west vs. Chinese cost of manufacturings and its impact on our economy the table during this next election)

Thanks, you guys who narrowed that technology gap from 15-20 years to parity! My kids are going to pay for that decision. All I can do now is vote and pray I'm wrong. Yea I know the theory they would get to that level anyway..its just that it would cost them as much as it cost us if they had to develop those things themselves and there is a timing issue. We give what we have, they don't have to spend the TIME or resources AND have it to compete with us faster.

(my first and last posting on this subject here. Flame away if you like..I've said my piece. ):angry:

(PS: This from the same group who promoted the Dot Com scam where Billions of dollars of capital were flushed into the economy on these startup companies trying to make the .com thing bigger than real. That "virtual" the High tech economy looked real good until the bottom fell out in 1999. Most product developed was "vapor ware" anyway. So around year 2000-2001 the venture funded economy sputters and dies. Very few of those companies survived. All that growth came to a stop....and then the stock market crashed. What a surprise. Now we have to restart the ecomomy with less & tighter venture funding along with the accellerated competition from China & other oversea economies.

As someone has on their signiture.."what doesn't kill us will make us stronger".)
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The buy now price was 600nz dollars, his claim was that they were basically $1200 saws ($1200 here will get you a husky 353).

Heres what he was saying^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I am a bulk buyer and importer... these are my latest expansion. This is a totally NEW Chainsaw. Basically, it comes from the same factory that turns out Stihl.

That makes this OVER $1200 worth of chainsaw. Only.. because I am the importer only you can beat the middlemen and save lots....

The one shown is unpacked because I had to do so to photograph it. Yours will still be in the box, and come with everything shown in the pix.

Rocky is right, the guy is a liar so anything he says should be taken in a suspect manner. He's taking minor truths and making it sound as if the saws are made in total in a Chineese factory.

Minor truths being.
1. Old machinery the real factory sold when an old saw was discontinued, that machinery now resides in China.
2. Components made in China. Out sourced componenets such as ignition coils and carbs that are made in China. Both Walbro and Zama have factorys in China.

Using these truths does not make this deceptive claim true. Is the saw worth the cost? Don't know. But anyone resorting to lies and deception to sell the saw must not have any confidence in the product himself.

One more thing, where do you go to buy parts for the booger???
The seller's deceptive advertising is one issue, along with the problem of spare parts for these Chinese saws (the word "throw-away" comes to mind). You guys are totally right about that stuff.

Unless the parts interchange with some name brand. The chrome bore speaks of it being a slightly restyled Jap saw. My nephew's Chinese dirt bike has copy of a Honda engine in it. Says right on it: "Powered by Honda." Doubtful the Chinese designed their own saw. Why bother?

What is interesting to me is the future effect of such saws on the marketplace if (when) they gain a foothold. I'll probably get beat up for this, but a woodcutter saw is hardly rocket science. A saw with good specs at a super price probably will sell. Look at how the Chinese-made tools have caught on. I wouldn't be surprised if we see these "Good Luck" chainsaws in the Harbor Freight Tool Catalog before long.

Then what may happen is this: These saws will have some quality control problems intially. Almost for sure. Then, the U.S. distributor will go to China and demand better quality control and the Chinese will do it. That's happened before with other Chinese-made stuff like guns and air rifles, and was also mentioned in the article that was posted above.

With decent quality at a super price they will become a presence in the marketplace and why wouldn't they? Call them "Steel" or "Trusty" and crank em out by the billions for the Big Box chainstores.....

Everything is going that route.

If I'm figuring right, these saws are selling for about $150 U.S.
This is there site, bring up products and you can read on there stuff. GOODLUCK Anybody from downunder seen these things poping up there yet? thats one of the places they plan on targeting according to there main page.