A friend who runs a tree service called me from the ER today. He had been doing something else while his help was chipping. He noticed the guy limping and in pain. His hired help had stuck his foot in his chuck n duck. It was the labor ready guys second day on the job. Apparantly the guy had one foot flat on the ground and the other on the hopper trying to kick in corkscrew willow. A branch pulled his foot in and the steel toe got kicked back out. There were 4 marks on the steel where blades struck. the steel toe was bent into the guy's foot. The boot had to be cut off. The guy lucked out with black and blue toes, possibly one fractured.
Ironically, he told me last night about a smart hard working helper who was a bit timid around the chipper. Today that kid almost lost a leg.
Ironically, he told me last night about a smart hard working helper who was a bit timid around the chipper. Today that kid almost lost a leg.