Christmas bonus'

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Well i thank the good Lord for everthing i have gotten . I am a parts swaper aka alignment tech , I guess i have the best boss i have ever had i got my check and my bonus , and have the 13 years i have been there .
Yesterday after finishing up a job the boss took us all out to ''outback'' for a steak dinner and paid up for the last three weeks I worked. I was out at Wal-mart frantically trying to do my Christmas shopping for everyone.
In better times we used to have a big christmas party with an open bar and a 100.00 bonus
Decided yesterday that overall, the last year has been pretty decent and I will be calling on him for some time to come so $500 and a 12 pack of his favorite beer was in line. He gives up his Saturdays to work which means his Friday nights too and for a guy that's 27, those are good times to hang with your buds and he hasn't let me down too often. $500 investment for the upcoming year is a good investment.

With as much experience as some in here claim to have, I'm surprised most of you don't get pretty hefty bonuses. The complanies you work for are making decent dough so why not the help that make it happen. Without you, they have nothing. Your security is their security. Keep you happy, they stay happy. I'm not a big company by any means but my help really makes it happen that much faster and thus more profit for me.

LOL, the only bonus' I remember getting when I worked for the larger services' were a ham and a $25 gift certificate...
I completely agree that something should be done for the guys, even if it is small. My foreman did a great job this year so I bought him a brand new ergovation saddle!!! He was stoked and we are going to go climbing next week when it gets here. I gave the ground guys some extra and threw in a new silky zubat. I try to make the bonuses something that is also useful for the company. It benefits everyone that way.
Well I got my bonus, in books!

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