clearcutting box elder

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Sapwood, no problem. Don't worry about the semantics. Maybe I am just getting addicted to hearing myself type.

Boxelder are considered the spawn of satan in TX.

Don't let us run you off. Do us all a favor and lets us know how things work out and if you have success/failure.

Quite breaking them in half??? Naaa, I'll just go back to taking a handfull at a time. :dizzy:
parting shot....

In my part of the world, clearcutting, by law (Dept of natural rescs), is defined this way (from a recent timber harvest contract):

"<i>...area on map and delineated by marks on border trees shall be clearcut by removing all marketable timber and firewood, as well as falling any unmarketable species below 3" dbh. Individual trees are marked by the attending DNR forester to be saved as seed sources"</i>
<i>"the residual slash shall be reduced in height to no more than 24" from the ground surface"</i>

The plan goes further to state; <i> driving over the slash with harvesting equipment is usually sufficient.</i>
Thanks for restating my point yet again. Helps us have a more clear-cut definition to work with. ;)
Forgive me, but what is your point?

<i>...what a clearcut is. It is <b>not</b> reducing a stand of timber to a field of slash. That is called removing trees and
creating a field of slash.......</i>

If it looks like a duck..?
My point is intent. Knocking down trees for a Kmart is not a clear cut. IMHO it must include part of this definition "A clearcut is an effective silvicultural tool for regenerating stands of shade intolerant species".

Yeah, it does look like a duck.

The sky is blue too


Is this getting to be a dead horse or what?
Yes, it's been a dead horse

for a couple of days now.

We both knew that. I called you for posting what I percieved to be arrogance...(to paraphrase)<i> "stand back, ma'am, let a professional take over"</i>, and you chose to play along, er, defend yourself.

Who won? Nobody. I look petty, and you look arrogant.

I am cool with a truce. That has to be the first for Asite.

Arrogant?? That is cool, I can live with that. I have been called much worse things that take fewer letters to spell.