ClearH20Scott's 2171..and more

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Arboristsite MVP
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Supernatural Beautiful British Columbia
I recieved a parcel at the post office today and was immediately swamped by 17 children wondering if they could have the, instead of starting a fight...I gave it to the kid with the least amount of money in his pocket.... there something you want to tell us about, or need to talk about, concerning your stamp licking fetish?? I thought Lambert was
:eek: GOOD LORD:eek:

That thing looks like a box from a looney tunes cartoon.
Enroute to BC it went to Hawaii, New Zealand, Timbuktu, Albuquerque, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Reyjavik, Balinifad, Medicine Hat, Truth or Consequences, and Moose Jaw.
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HOLY SH!T, I left the box in the capable hands of the counter
lady at our small Clearwater post office, I offered to help her,
but she just winked and said she'd take care of it. It looks like
an old piece of luggage that's been around the world.
Those stamps really do taste good with the right chaser.
Glad to see it made it up there. Heard every "Why are you shipping it from Clearwater to Clearwater" joke you could imagine.
Are there any differences between the North/South of the border

Have a GREAT weekend everyone!
Your government employees at work...........

Notice they were all pasted on separately instead of just pasting a strip off a roll. Most post offices just print up a sticker with the amount paid and put that on there. Must have been a slow day.
Scott, what does that Postal lady look like...not that it matters. Sorry, with a tongue like that...all I'm saying is, well, dang..., rbtree has a long a$$ tounge have you seen them pics? Good luck with your Johnsred, I'm sure Dennis will make it cut up.

Kinda funny you should ask, I've been told I could lick my eyebrows clean. Lady behind the counter was about 45 and
not unattractive, she asked if it was a Husqvarna or not.
Apparently, her Dad used to fell trees for Weyerhauser in
Northern Minnesota, Kinda cool. I'm pretty much a dumb buck
of 35 and easily swayed by a woman who knows what the hill
a chainsaw is.(don't tell my wife). Made the whole process at
the post office that much easier. Drive on.
How's that Walkerized 357 Mag. treatin' you?
Is the weather getting any better down yonder?
Sorry for all the questions, Russian jet fuel is starting to do
the talkin'. One of the prettiest things I think I've ever seen
is the Bluegrass coming out of the Smokey Mountains in the
spring. I bet I could throw that box of mine from Dennis on
e-bay as a 026 parts saw box and get 50 bucks. LaDEEDa!
Scott, a warning

dennis a heads up,

That package was in Balinifad, uh oh. i hope you can rework that 011 jug that you know who probably snuck on the 2171, thinking he could pull the wool over Obi's eyes.

KD, that jug you just got sent might be hot, you'd better alert the authorities in Enumclaw...if any there (in authority) can be found...

wolfie..... I'm keeping that thing sheathed.. it got me in world of trouble
H20 man,

Amazing that it cost so much to send a package to Clearwater..

. from Clearwater..

I hope they weighed it before they added all them soggy stamps....
RB, worst case I end up with a Stihl that runs. LOL. And I was at the bar the whole time. Does not sound like much of a loss, until
I have to explain to my buddies an orange and red Chainsaw.
MY 488 may have to come out for educational purposes. Thanks
for scaring the MADE IN WEST GERMANY out of me!

RB, worst case I end up with a Stihl that runs. LOL. And I was at the bar the whole time. Does not sound like much of a loss, until
I have to explain to my buddies an orange and red Chainsaw.
MY 488 may have to come out for educational purposes. Thanks
for scaring the MADE IN WEST GERMANY out of me!

Let me know when you have your Shinny back in hand.
I think it's the best saw going for the money. Want to know
what it's like with a little overhaul. Supposed to be tough as
ten penny nails. Mine's pretty good right out of the box.
just had to cash in for a new b/c. Wrecked the double guard
after about five tanks. Put a p/match on it and a Carlton semi-
chisel chain, was a different machine period.

Raw steel prices have gone up about 40-50%, I think Bush wants
to make sure if there is a war with Iraq, we still have domestic
production capabilities. About time. No more cheap South American steel.
Drive On!
Machining the cylinder

I spent some time with one of my machinists this morning..and yep it was d@mn well morning...6:30am he made me get up...he is an old English fellow, priorly a tool and watchmaker by trade...and now just plays with everything he can get his hands on..anyway, by the third cup of tea we were ready to cut Scotts cylinder....

just setting up the cylinder on the expanding chuck...
Dennis, having run a lathe before I feel stupid asking, but
where and what material are you removing? Are you reducing
the overall height of the jug? It looks like you're going to turn
material from the outside of the jug, but where? I must be
missing some marbles today.

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