climbing helmets....

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That`s a nice looking helmet but with all the external metal it wouldn`t be approved for working around utility lines here.
Originally posted by budroe69moni
i've been looking at climbing helmets
and have narrowed it down between the
petzel roc and the kong magic helmet.
any suggestions????? (stupid question:D )
Spencer, you picked up that Petzl Roc yet? How do you like it? :confused:
I got a Roc somewher in the truck, it's ok, better then the saw lable types. I wore it a lot till I got the Kiwi helmet. They are comparably priced also.
I think the only helmet that has a side impact rating is the :

Bollard 'Advent' helmet. Used for
spelunking (sp?) it is a nice helmet very comfortable with a 8 point suspension, ratcheting head band. The attachments you can get are well made and work better than the Stihl and Husky models.
In my not so humble opinion the PPE (personal protective equipment) industry sells mostly JUNK. Look at the Stihl helmet for example if you use the thing day in and day out you will see the muff attachments fall apart, the head band attachment is weak and the helmet itself has a life span of 3-5 years.
I think venting is one of the primary considerations here in FL. You might not have a problem with a solid helmet in Minnesota, but down here it will get tossed in the truck if it's too hot to wear. I'm not being judgemental, just realistic.

btw, I HATE sites designed by people with high speed connections! Took me about a minute and a half to see that Kevlar hardhat. I'll never be able to buy from them while I have dial-up, I'd never be able to see the site in a reasonable amount of time. :angry:
Nah, I used to be one of those pathological types when it came to stepping on rope, then I started FL'in regularly and it seemed less important.

I just drop and toss stuff.

You need to translate the cartoon for us though.

Ever try anything like this?

I like my Pacific and my Petzl. I have just used my Pacific here in the cold. Seems like it might be a wee bit too warm for TX.
Re: Helmets

Originally posted by TREETX

I like my Pacific and my Petzl. I have just used my Pacific here in the cold. Seems like it might be a wee bit too warm for TX.

Loks like you could only wearn earplugs with that modle Nate.

I want someting i can put muffs on when I need them.
im using the old oregan climbers helmet .........i would like the petzel helmet but cant warrant the price........