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:computer: I think your figures are just a little high but Man I totally agree with ya.Since you asked .....
I AM 49, been climbing profesionally since 81... graduated college in 86 and have done tree work as a full time profession since then. I do almost all the climbing, and make a decent living... Occasionally I'll subcontract a contract climber or 75' bucket truck, and use the local crane companies when the work is there.
I used to use my own strength and hard work to power through jobs while charging next to nothing for the work... Worked so hard with so little to show for it... Working with old beat up trucks and chippers. There were other local companies that would just walk away from estimates without even giving a price if they found out I was bidding on it too.
After i got Lyme in 98, I just couldn't work that hard anymore.. so I raised my prices, did more advertising and it all went so much better. Now I run a 14' chip truck with a 2007 Brush bandit 1590 (with winch) and a 2003 Rayco super RG 50 grinder... bought an 97 GMC altec LR IV, last Feb as well... At only 55' it doesn;t get out that much though.. All is paid for...
If you are only making $1000 on a good day, and you can climb as well as you say,... then you are probably underpricing. Severly. $2000-2500 should be a good day. $1,200-1,500 average even in this economy!
When you raise your prices you can pay your men better and therefore get better men, as well as buy some decent equipment and put some cash away etc..
12hrs/day x 6 days/week is over working the body.. Find a contract climber to do the big trees and put enough $ on the monsters to pay for the crane... Learn to accurately fall trees and get up on the latest climbing gear and techniques.. Give yourself fallow periods.. vacations or plow snow or whatever... let the body R&R..
I AM MUCH faster that I was 16 years ago when I was 33... SO much faster..
And so much more profitable...
Now as far as "feeling stupid doing yoga"... Get over that. My girl is a yoga teacher and she kicks my butt... She's hard to keep up with... Ripped and unstopable... When I can barely get out of bed in the morning, she's on her way to the gym for 30+ minutes on the eliptical and then swims a mile at 7:30 AM...
So find a good yoga studio and class. And if you want to meet a good woman, you'll be outnumberred 8:1.. Take your pick.. They are awesome women... And after doing yoga with her on weekends for the past two months, I have never been in as good physical conditioning coming into mid March as I AM right now..
PM me with your # if you want to talk.
But what do we do about the unemployed/now tree dorks running around under bidding everything and the damn near unemployed people who have no choice but to go with these underbidding scabs?
You know how hard that was to write without getting censored?

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