climbing-tearing up your body-how long can we do it for!?

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Nah I have had them run down my back, over my legs never bit , however a coon is different if you happen to get in his way it can get very interesting very fast lol!

About 12 years ago I pulled three baby coons out of a hollow in a removal I was doing and lowered them to the ground rope. We took them to the nature center where they rehab wild critters.
Damn I mess the old lady story time. I had a few too.
Oh well I'm beat anyway, took down a monster silver maple today.
Yes it did, almost made me blow chunks. I had the misfortune of stepping into this old lady's house to collect my check. The dogs had the run of the place and the smell would knock you down. That reminds me, I got to get back out there and fertilize. I think I'll wait on the porch for my check this time...

I'll take a ##### over a dog any day:angel:
You know, I start reading a thread and then after a few posts the topic goes in other directions and then there is no topic, only a few guys that should either get a room or talk on the phone rather than add numbers to their posts! What the heck is going on? I don't want to come here and read about crap!
You know, I start reading a thread and then after a few posts the topic goes in other directions and then there is no topic, only a few guys that should either get a room or talk on the phone rather than add numbers to their posts! What the heck is going on? I don't want to come here and read about crap!
yep, I agree, we need a thread titled "The B/S thread"
climbing hard on the hands

is there any type of gloves u can use while climbing i tried using gloves before nd i had to take them right off cuzz there was no grip it just mad it worse on my hands
Hey look, a new guy got us back on topic. Those gloves with the rubber coating work well, but they don't last too long. I think the brand I use are atlas.
Yeah, they do work pretty well. Handy in the rain. Like I said, though, they tend to wear out pretty quick. But then again, I wish I could buy one pair of gloves a year, and have them last. It's nice to dream. When they start to wear, the rubber separates a bit from the glove, then that tends to find its way into your friction knot. Good luck.
Yeah, they do work pretty well. Handy in the rain. Like I said, though, they tend to wear out pretty quick. But then again, I wish I could buy one pair of gloves a year, and have them last. It's nice to dream. When they start to wear, the rubber separates a bit from the glove, then that tends to find its way into your friction knot. Good luck.

when i do ground work my gloves only last 2 maybe 3 jobs i could imagine how many pairs of those things i would be buying but it would be worth it if they were cheap
The rubber Atlas gloves can last a long time IF a.) you don't do groundwork with them on (have a seperate pair of leather ground gloves for those times you help the groundies, and b.) if you don't coil your rope with them on. Take them off before you coil a hundred and fifty feet of line quickly at the end of a climb. Its basically common sense, don't chafe them and they will last, chafe them carelessly throughout the day, and they will wear out. :clap:
I agree with the tips to make the gloves last longer. I found the Atlas ones lasted much longer than the cheaper ones you can get at Home Depot, or something. I only use them for climbing. I don't rig with them, and I try not to do a big rappel with them on. That'll burn 'em up fast. I probably go through about four to six pair a year. But, I can't stand gloves in the summer. I sweat enough as it is.