Climbing with spurs/spikes

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Interesting, I've done tree's where I'd love to see it come down without spurs. Can someone, anyone show me a video of someone climbing a pole, safely and efficiently without spurs? Almost all of my removals are done without spurs, I find it easier or at least faster to blow the top off and then fall the trunk, and even easier to use the bucket truck. However when you can't, I'll use spurs absolutely.
Knock this out sans spurs.

A while back, I bought my first clumbing spur set up (used.) But I still had only done rope climbing up until last week, when I got my throwline caught, so I used my spikes for the first time (doing an elm removal) to get it unstuck. But right away I found out they were way too loose. So, later I drilled a few more holes in the leather to make it tighter. Anyways, a few days ago, I had a spruce removal, so I tried them out again. I found them extremely uncomfortable. Nice and snug, but they didn't feel right (they were on the right foot for sure.) And on top of that, they would get pretty stuck in the wood. I had to wiggle them back and forth a lot and grip branches tight so that I could really yank on them to get them out. Is that common? I ended up using them for like ten feet and then just leaving little stubs that I could stand on. I'm hoping you guys can give me some tips from experienced spur users. Maybe there's some way I can adjust my technique to help, or maybe there's something wrong with my spurs? I don't know, a little confused right now
Thats how it is in the beggining. It was really unconfortable for me to get used to spikes untill you use them frequently. I would say spend money on geckos with the european gaffs. Those dont get stuck in the wood when you spike too deep. American gaffs get stuck and to get them out you always gotta wiggle them.
Spikes are trash , I am learning to do removals without them , and the day I can throw them in a lake and never wear them again will be a great day . And if your doing spruce/pine you don't need spikes even at the beginning of learning to climb a tree .
Its not proper to leave so many stubs to step on so its recommended to use spikes. If your lowering branches or tops on the same tree and the rope man gets them stuck on the stubs, your screwed cuz you gotta go down to get them unstuck and go up again ahhh buch of things. Just use spikes.
Ya I just don't get why you wouldn't want to use spikes..... Maybe if you have a small peen and you need to be that "cool climber"
Nah never stubs , honestly .... Anyway it's all in how you wanna skin your cat me I choose to take it easy on the ankles . Like I said originally I don't new stubs just throw a CMI closed sling around and stand on that . I guarantee that I can move as fast as the next guy without spikes in the canopy , and like I said at the beginning I will often throw my spikes in for wood . I swear half you ******* ******* don't read the post completely your just so excited to have something to say . ********* !
Jeez treeclimber101 your so hostile haha it's the internet dude just relax for all you know half these guys could be fat old men who live in their mothers basement lol
Jeez treeclimber101 your so hostile haha it's the internet dude just relax for all you know half these guys could be fat old men who live in their mothers basement lol
Yea LOL I am ******* having fun I'm no internet dude though I have met a lot of guys from this site , some good some awesome . Be safe good luck