Well for a last chance at consensus...I'll try something else. How about those who are interested list the dates they are good with...including the 15-16 and we can either finalize or set a new time.
Me... August 8/9 & 15/16, And from the second weekend in September on to the end of the year are good for me. There is a slim possibility I can also be around the last weekend of August 29,30...but again family issues are most likely going to take that one away.
ALSO I will have an antique International W4 to pull things with along with the little 4x4 1433 Massey. Anyone have an antique tractor to show off?
AND if you have a work quad or 1970's era dirt bike we can do a little trail riding to add some flavor. (I can break out my old '79 KTM)
Bring bug spray...If someone has a wall tent that might be nice. The activities we will be doing for our farm will be clearing trail, firewood harvesting..(a stand of beech), AND MAYBE slab milling planks for out-buildings (IF we have time to focus as this is time intensive). THAT will entail dropping trees, limbing & general cleanup, and then chainsaw milling slabs. Think you have HP?
I would also like to have an informal saw race for pre-1970 saws..reguardless of size. Start cold and cut thru 25inch plus hard wood.