Congratulations Pat ( and Roachy)

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Apr 20, 2002
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suburban Philadelphia, Pa
My climbing buddy Pat Epps drove out to Pittsburg for the ISA competition , Penn-Del western chapter. I told my girlfriend yesterday, there is no doubt in my mind that he was going to finish in the top 5 out there. His climbing skills have come a long long way in the past couple of years. he dropped 25 or more pounds over the winter and was poised to make a good showing.

He was climbing behind Big Jon and Jim Roach foe the past couple of years and learned a lot there, but ended up running the ropes for Jon mostly. So he really wanted to show himself and the world how he could climb. (He was hitting 90' fairly accurately w the throw ball.)
Anyhow I just heard from him. He finished 3rd in the Maters Challenge and took 4th in every event. Roachy won (of course), and I forget who took second. I would have liked to seen it all. Next week we'll get together for the eastern chapter comp in Deleware.
See ya'll there.
Lets keep it real Dan while Pat is much improved and I was proud of him he barely made the top five.An apprentice out scored him by 15 overall points and they actually called his name first befor realizing that an apprentice can not do the masters challange and that moved pat up.
That being said that was one of the most poor set ups for a competition I have seen in a long time as Pat timed out in the work climb in what I considered to be a rediculous set up ,out of only 9 journey men only 3 did not time out.Hey I won the throwball so you klnow somethings out of whack there!!!
Pats my boy and I just want him to know that he will need to step it up against stiffer competition ,a minuit forty in the footlock was not 4th and wont cut it in the east. :blob5:
By the way another student of mine in his very first competition took second place in the masters challange as well as three third place finishes in the peliminarys with a footlock of 36 sec.His name is Cameron Lyon he is from NJ and can not go on to state college and is going to take on the jersey boys on the 11. :blob2: :blob2: :blob2:
Cmon Roachy,
Let the man enjoy his accomplishment. he was working for Asplund just a few years ago. He has come a long way, much due to the fact that he worked with you. And even at 2 min in the footlock, he's still better than 99.9% of the climbers out there.

You hang out in the world of tree climbing Gods, and have the perspective of one . For us mere mortals, Pat is doing great. No doubt the competition will be stiffer in the east. We will all see who is up to it on the 11th.

That said, I think your work atmosphere could use a good dose of positive thinking and encouragement. When I see a man's gold I like to acknowledge it. Great Job PAT.
be carefull Dan I am not like those who you speak of ask Pat what it was like working with me on the rare occasion that he did,I AM the positive thinker in my co.
murphy4trees said:
he's still better than 99.9% of the climbers out there.

You hang out in the world of tree climbing Gods, and have the perspective of one . For us mere mortals....


Here we go again

BTW- good job Roachy!
Roger that Jim,
Glad to hear it. And in general I think men are more comfortable bustin on each other than acknowledging our goodness and beauty. I use those words purposefully, because me have a hard time with that. There is plenty of both going around at a competition, and we all have our moments. But in general I don't put up with ball bustin at work.
It's the leader's job to create a positive atmosphere. I make it clear pretty quick, I don't want to hear it. Don't do it around me. If you can't live with that, you're in the wrong place.
I'll be rootin for you, Jon and Pat in Deleware. It's exciting. Have a great day!
Roach, How is it you and others are being allowed to compete at other chapter competitions? Are you being allowed b/c your company has offices in multiple chapter areas?

I think i must agree w/ Roachy that 1:45 footlock is nothing to brag of; if anything i'd be embarassed. If that time took 4th that doesn't say much for the competition. Taking nothing away from you Jim, I've seen you climb;& ur a bad ass.

Did they not allow the biner chain this year? I saw the new rule in the book. Just wondered if the judges even cared to notice.
Dan leadership means allot more than keeping things posative,you have to be nagative sometimes as well.Being a true leader is having the strength and courage to do so at the appropriate moment.How many men do you currently employ full time?And for how long?Maybe you shouldnt judge others so quickly without knowing the whole story.If your work practices are poor should I continuously pat you on the back and tell you its ok ,kiss kiss hug hug,sorry I dont think so at some point you have to be held accountable.
Bustin on guys is nothing more than fun and games puts a smile on your face and maybe a chuckle or two no big deal workers are happy haveing alittle fun keeps the spirits up ,allowing that is good leadership
roachy said:
that an apprentice can not do the masters challange and that moved pat up.

What's up with this rule???? Ive read through the rule book and its the top 3-5, depending on the number of total competitors. Doesnt say anything about apprentices. Are you guys making something up out there? Just curious.

BTW, just how many did you have?