I aint in the firewood selling business, but I do keep a eye on priceing. And will buy a load every now and then at the right price. Facebook pages are joke to me. I had one person advertise a cord for $75, delivered and stacked, contacted them and told them I would take everything they have, had cash and would take delivery as soon as possible. Their cords where pickup truck loads throwed into the back of the truck. Not even rounded up, just to the top of the bed rails. Well that sell went south in a heck of a hurry. Prices are all over the place here. Got a buddy with a 3/4 ton ford selling split and stacked for $100 load, he rounds the truck up pretty good, but it still aint nowhere near a cord or even a 1/2 cord, I bought one load from him and we stacked it in my shed, about a rick, 4x8 with a few sticks thrown on top. His price was discounted to $50 or I wouldnt have bought it. Bought another load off him that was in rounds and hauled in my dump trailer, gave him $75 and pretty close to a full cord, maybe a tad more, but I havent split it yet. Go down the road and theres a fellow selling a 8ft flatbed load for $75. One ft side boards on truck bed and wood heaped up in the middle, hes probably got less wood on his truck than my buddy does. Another guy with a tandem dump truck. Maybe a 13ft bed, wood thrown in off a conveyor and just above the bed rail. $400 delivered and dumped. Might be 2 +/-cords but he says 4cords. I havent seen it stacked anywhere but I feel 4 cords is pretty optimistic. Even still, its still a better buy than the pickup loads.
I dont know where I came up with this number, but I feel if I ever start selling wood, my price would have to be about $225cord or it wouldnt be worth doing. I wouldnt be stacking for that price either. If I sold, it would have to be to select customers. I would only sell a cord at a time, haul it in my dump trailer and then dump it on a site I could get to easily, cash on delivery before dumping. I just dont like dealing with every swinging Richard that wants to haggle prices and will only bad mouth you as soon as your out of site. My business model might eliminate a bunch of small customers, but I would much better deliver one load of wood to one site as have to make three or four stops to deliver the same amount, not to mention having to deal with the extra people. And if someone wanted to haul their own, I might discount the price a little, but they would have to do the loading as well as the hauling. I aint going to be responsible for someone throwing a stick thru a back window or putting a scratch on the side of their trucks. I would make some exceptions for Granny or the disabled, but that would be about it.