To the administration, please do not
Oldman47, you are not intelligent. Oil in not wood. Oil can not be burned in a fire place, oil can not be burned in a brick oven, oil can not be burned on an out door patio fire pit. People that I sell fire wood do not use it to heat their home. They buy it for pleasure, its almost like a luxury. People that do heat their home with fire wood typically buy log lengths or they manage to find wood and split their own.
Every drop of oil you buy will be the same, whether its diesel or gas its all the same product, which is reflected in the price per barrel. Fire wood is never the same from load to load. Type of wood, length, seasoned or not, kiln dried wood ext... and people are willing to pay for a premium product, you get what you pay for.
Firewood does require labor or equipment to manufacture, it just doesn't flow out of the ground, if it did it would be cheap like oil. No matter how you slice it, one cord of wood requires energy to produce, and that isn't free.
I would say stop blabbing about how firewood should only cost the same by BTU as oil but you're ignorance of what firewood is almost comical and entertaining, it's very apparent that you have never split any wood at all. Which also begs the question why you are aloud to comment with your ignorant post on an arborist forum. I bet you're the kind of person that hires illegal immigrants to do work because you think a legit outfit is to expensive, and the fire wood they sell.
To the administration, please do not remove my post, I bet many agree with what I say.