Cost of Cutting Firewood

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Now Road kill/lb....a whole new thread. Just hit, errrrrrrr, killed , a porcupine (aka hedgehog). Damn quills filled in her license plate.
Now that's cost effective work :chainsawguy:
Now that we're talking cost per lb or cost per hour, how about when you hit a moose here. Some big profits for the freezer....IF you survive the crash. Abrams reccommended :blob2:
It cost me around $200 for the logs and fuel to cut them up (4 cords to the load) and I sell it for $560 dumped, it takes me 45 mins. to get there dump and back home, and 4 hours to cut it up, and load it. I fill a 150-170 cord contract evers summer for a local lodge. not a bad summer job for a kid.
The way I see it, if you have access to free wood as a byproduct of some other activity (logging your land, cutting trees for $, taking down free and easy trees, etc...), you may be able to make some money.

I completely agree. This seems like the key to being able to make some money. But even then, you have to be content with making less than you did on the original job. So, those that do it have to have an "on the side" or slack time mentality about it. Just sell some wood for extra cash.

An indication that there must not be a lot of money in firewood, it that most of our tree service guys want nothing to do with it, and they have a never ending supply of wood. To them, it's a waste product and they give it away. Some of them let the guys on their crew cut and sell it, and others will even deliver the logs to your house. Yes, they could make some money on firewood, but not nearly as much as simply going to another tree job.
I'm interested in how many cords a pro saw is good for. Assuming 16" pieces.

I've started ripping big ugly rounds with my 372 so I can split them with my maul. It does make the saw work but usually the cuts aren't for more than 30seconds. I'd assume this saw is good for 100's of cords so a bit of harder use shouldn't be a big deal.

What do you guys get out of a saw?


i got about 3000 cords of 16" out of a 2100CD husqvarna :clap:
so lets break it down a little.
i built a firewood processor, so i really prefer lengths of 14 feet to 20 feet long. To go out in the woods and cut, and skid firewood, then load it into a truck or trailer, and clean up the mess, I'm thinking I can't hardly do it for 50 bucks.
Further, to have employees falling trees seems like a good way to get someone hurt until you get good at it.

On the other hand, those professional loggers seem to have skidders, and log loaders, and trucks.

Why would I think I am more effiicient at hauling logs out of the forest then a professional crew?????
And, I can't beat them up to deliver it for less then about 50 a cord equivalent.

Try this anohter way. If I want to make 25 an hour, that means I need to haul 4 cords of logs out in an 8 hour day. 4 cords is a BIG load to tow behind a pickup, which means probably two trips. 2 trips in and out of the woods, along with felling, limbing, skidding, and loading, and unloading is a pretty big day for one guy.