My pet peeve about CL ad posters is when they say you have to take all the wood or none at all... and there are easily 7 truckloads of 4' diameter 12-18" thick douglas fir rounds, exaggerating a little, at the base of the tree anyways. (This tree was a monster)
Easy access, thought it would be 4-5 truckloads but those big rounds were a lot more work that I originally thought they would be with my 1 ton diesel and liftgate. (don't have a trailer yet)
About 2 weeks later all the wood was completely gone. Found out there was even more wood but the first guy who answered the ad got 2 truckloads of smaller rounds and gave up on all the big stuff. (Most of the tree was huge is my guess) Been sitting for a year homeowner had big plans for all the wood but plans never came to fruition... You know the story.
He was really, really happy when I was down to the last truckload and raking the grass up for him, and said just little stuff left you can have a few fires in the fall like you always wanted to...
Here's one of the truckloads... Some big stuff there might be the final load even... Free is never Free! Not with firewood anyways... a lot of diesel fuel, log splitter fuel, chainsaw maintenance and gas, oil, etc, parts...
Fun though when it's all done and I burned this stuff from 2020 fall to spring of 2022 and still had a few pieces left over. Got 3 more loads last fall, good score and close by, more fir.
I always tell myself that I will just go for the easy stuff, but get roped into the big rounds as I have the liftgate and can get them in the truck! No one else could, not even 3 guys, no way... 3 arnold Shwarzenegger's or Andre' the Giants probably but not 3 normal guys...
I got the liftgate years ago... 500$ Then Husqvarna 372xpw, blew up on me recently (siezed piston) so rebuilding it now, 650$ used, now another 4-500$ for rebuild parts.
And all the time involved! Then last November a tree fell in the backyard, and am still working on that, luckily it's not so big... fell perfectly in the backyard, no damages...nice view now! Probably was a christmas tree 50 years ago they planted, (former owners were in 90's when I bought the place in 2004, both have passed of course). No more shade...
A lot of work but sure has led to some nice pictures!
Think I got all my wood for this year, just have to chop up some wood is all...